Pro-lifers who monitor activities at the Little Rock abortion clinic claim that Welsco Gas has stopped delivering gas used in abortion procedures at the clinic.

According to Little Rock pro-life activist Marsh Boss, Dr. Tom Tvedten, a doctor at Little Rock Family Planning Services, has refused to return the company’s gas  tanks, and Welsco may be considering legal action to retrieve the tanks.    Pro-lifers contend that  Welsco’s actions are part of a nationwide trend involving businesses who decide not to do business with abortion providers.  It is unclear at this time where Arkansas’ last surgical abortion clinic will obtain gas for use in its procedures, but most observers agree that this could increase their operating costs.

Boss and other pro-life activists maintain a regular presence in front of the clinic.  She said that her group is gearing up for the spring 40 Days for Life prayer campaign that begins on February 22nd.