There’s a reason why so many pro-lifers don’t buy the “pro-choice” label that abortion advocates use, and here’s a strong reason why.
At the liberal Netroots Nation convention this year, a panel was held to discuss the so-called “War on Women.” During the panel, one of the panelists, Darcy Burner, “asked women who had had an abortion to stand up in front of other attendees” then “asked the others seated in the audience to stand and give these women a standing ovation.” As this piece points out, nearly everyone in the room stood and applauded.
Conservative blogger Melissa Clouthier attended the panel. She observed: “The left will say that they’re not pro-abortion, they’re pro-choice or they’re pro-women. It was clear, though, that abortion itself was elevated as something good and something to be celebrated. The speaker and the audience was honoring women who had an abortion as though the action was an objectively good thing.”
Now, we’re willing to accept that some liberals merely see abortion as amoral—that it’s neither good nor bad, it’s simply an inconsequential choice that someone makes. While we disagree with this conclusion, at least the term “pro-choice” might somewhat apply. The problem is that there seems to be a growing sentiment on the left that abortion is a positive action worthy of praise. This is such a disturbing worldview that it’s difficult even to find words that accurately explain how corrupt it is.
When I think about it, though, I can’t say that I’m too surprised. Organizations like Planned Parenthood and NARAL promote abortion with such zeal that it’s clear what they’re trying to do: Make abortion something that society as a whole deems acceptable and even good. That’s why they want a Planned Parenthood clinic “on every corner in America.” They must not be allowed to win. This is literally a matter of life and death.