The Family Council Action Committee has unveiled its ad against Issue 5, the proposal to legalize ‘medical’ marijuana. You can watch it below.


  1. While I understand that the passage of any law can be abused, I do believe that this ad is very misleading. It implies that a person with a medical condition, including cancer, Lupus, MS, Parkinson’s or other chronic or terminal conditions will have to purchase their medications from a “Street Dealer”. Having read Issue 5 in it’s entirety, I’m not sure how you are coming up with the concerns pointed out in the Ad.
    As a Fundamentalist Pastor, who works with terminal patients, I have found that Marijuana does relieve the pain, nausea, and appetite loss in those patients. I do not question where they secure the Marijuana, but have seen the beneficial effects. Must a person violate the Law in order to lessen their suffering, especially in the last days of their lives? Any thing can be abused, and that includes food, alcohol, and prescription drugs. But there is something fundamentally wrong with depriving a patient of their medications based upon on one’s personal moral values. The most basic message of the Gospel is love and compassion, especially for the sick. Christians need to begin living out what Jesus taught rather than what our denominations teach.

  2. I am a Christian with terminal illness and this ad makes me vomit. You people are supposed to be Christians and here you are telling lies right in public. You should all be ashamed of yourselves. I bet if Jesus was here you all would make him turn over a table. Making medical marijuana available to sick people will put many street dealers out of business. I have visited a dispensary in California… And it’s better maintained and guarded than any doctors office or pharmacy you will ever see. If you have to make up lies to try to keep the law from getting passed, you need to pray about what your motives truly are. Westboro much?

  3. Norman Pollard

    I’m so tired of seeing grown men and women trying to scare people into doing their will. The people responsible for this ad should pray really hard before making this sort of misleading public message. I do not use any illegal drugs nor do I promote the use, but I have seen the need for this drug, where no other drug has the same effect on the cancer patient for example. Would you take the morphine away from the severly burned patient? No, any rational person would quickly give their mother, father, friend and maybe even a stranger a drug that would add comfort in terminal patients. Just follow the money and it goes all the way back to the twenties, where paper companies had to compete with hemp as a competitor in the paper industry. If you want to outlaw something, then cigarettes and alcohol are first on my list! What good does either of those do, and do you think the user does not risk becoming addicted? Come on, use that little brain God gave you, Please….

  4. Mike McGurk

    Absolute horse hockey, and a misleading ad. Marijuana is not a “dangerous drug”, it’s a PLANT that to this day nobody has ever died as a direct result of consuming. It only has 9% addiction rate which is less than tobacco and alcohol, and legalization has never proven to cause an increase in usage so passing such a law would not cause the state to be “filled with stoned out zombies”. I will say that in my personal experience, the Arkansas Family Council and drug dealers all over the state are both on the same page when it comes to Issue 5. Let me be clear, the drug dealers want it to stay illegal too or they LOSE PROFITS. How can you be so blind to what keeping it illegal does?

  5. jonathon

    your misleading ad has got me so upset. i can’t believe your spreading this MISinformation to the nice people of arkansas. i was born and raised in arkansas but have been living in southern california for over 10 years now, and i can say that as a medical marijuana patient that it does have MANY MANY medical benefits and it has quite literaly saved my life and help restore my sanity. you say your a christian organazation right? well then prove it by living it rather than talking it.

  6. Bob Coleman

    I’ve viewed the ad and read the comments…and I absolutely agree with the commentors. You are not being truthful and should be embarrassed and ashamed. Anyone relying on you for information is crazy.
    You’re Christian? Yeah, the type who give Christians a bad name.

  7. What I really can’t understand is this about Christians………god is supposed to be all knowing and he created every rock piece of dirt animal and PLANT…….as a believer in a higher power my self I find it hard to believe that Christians are condemning one of gods creations…. I don’t understand this?

  8. judy

    How can you feel good about this? have you looked into all the drugs used by the medical field? Is this the only one you care about? Why not decriminalize marijuana and put the time and energy toward those drugs that are killing our brothers and sisters? Do you know the street value of oxycontin? How many Arkansas children have died from the abuse? How many Drs have been prosecuted for prescribing it wrong? I hope some day you get to stand and watch what other mothers are going through. you will wish you had spent your tax free dollars preventing that… its actually dangerous. shame on you. judge, and condem those that need help.. for what? Christian, Bleh!

  9. Gerald R.

    Why a scare ad? Arkansas already has stoners/potheads ( not zombies) and marijuana drug dealers. Alcohol is a drug also, marijuana for people who are sick and could benefit. Those who want to get high and have no medical condition(s) are smoking weed from illegal sources. Take some of the criminals out the illegal marijuana business. If you don’t want alcohol you don’t have to buy it , the same with marijuana. Drunk drivers injury and kill far more than marijuana smokers. And no I don’t smoke marijuana anymore nor do I want to. Also I live in a state where medical marijuana is legal.

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