For immediate release on Friday, January 15, 2010: An urgent press release from Family Council President, Jerry Cox.
Contact: Jerry Cox
Office: 501-375-7000
Cell: 501-912-6600
In a statement on Friday, Family Council President, Jerry Cox, opposed the recently-approved ballot proposal to allow seven casino gambling establishments in the state of Arkansas. The ballot name and title were approved by Attorney General Dustin McDaniel on behalf of Michael J. Wasserman, the proposal’s sponsor, and Arkansas Hotels and Entertainment, Inc.
Cox said: “Casino gambling hurts local economies. Casinos absorb the money that people would have otherwise spent on everything from groceries and gasoline to new cars and houses, and when that happens, local businesses suffer and so do the folks working for them. In a time when many Arkansans are still working hard to try to make ends meet, the last thing we need to do is open our state up to casino gambling.”
“We already have casino gambling at Oaklawn and Southland. The lottery has been rolling out a steady stream of new games left and right since its establishment. And now we have a wealthy businessman from out of state trying to set up a gambling monopoly and fleece the people out of their hard-earned money. Where does it end? At what point will we have ‘enough’ gambling in Arkansas?”
Cox said his group will continue to monitor and oppose any efforts to amend Arkansas’ Constitution to allow more gambling in Arkansas.
The Family Council is a conservative education and research organization based in Little Rock, Arkansas.