A Planned Parenthood official stated a little over a week ago that women who went to Dr. Kermit Gosnell’s Philadelphia abortion clinic would sometimes come to Planned Parenthood later, complaining of the conditions at Gosnell’s clinic.
How did Planned Parenthood respond to these serious complaints? “We would always encourage them to report it to the Department of Health.”
Dr. Gosnell is currently on trial for multiple counts of murder and a variety of lesser charges. The Grand Jury Report documenting his clinic’s conditions notes, among other things, “The clinic reeked of animal urine, courtesy of the cats that were allowed to roam (and defecate) freely. Furniture and blankets were stained with blood. Instruments were not properly sterilized. Disposable medical supplies were not disposed of; they were reused, over and over again.”
Investigators also documented that blood stains were present on office medical records and fetal remains were stored in bags and jars.