In this week’s video, we take a look at the possibility of lottery vending machines rolling out sometime this spring. The legislature is in session in Little Rock right now; I encourage each and every one of you to call your representative and your senator, and tell them how you feel about lottery vending machines popping up in your community.


  1. Pingback: Family Council » Arkansas’ 2010 Fiscal Legislative Session: Week One

  2. Jimmy Gosnell

    The lottery is a travesty to all Arkansans. Our Leiutenant Governor has made a huge mistake under the mis-guided assumption that this is for higer education. We just need to teach math to those who can’t seem to figure it out. No one wins! I have visited with some local convenience store owners and they have stated that their income has dropped in direct proportion to the number of dollars spent on lottery tickets. My question is, “Then why don’t you quit selling tickets from your store?” This doen’t produce revenue for business, it robs businesses of income. We need to be shinning example to other states and try and have the lottery reversed. It is probably not very likely to happen, but we need to remember that one person can make a huge difference. Jesus did.

    Jimmy Gosnell
    A concerned citizen of Arkansas
    Russellville, Arkiansas

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