A few radical homosexuals are upset that the U.S. Census is not interested in knowing their sexual orientation. So they’ve developed a pink sticker for gays to put on their census form. The sticker reads: “ATTN: U.S. Census Bureau. It’s time to count everyone! Are you (please check all that apply): Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, or A Straight Ally.” Sponsored by the National Gay and Lesbian Task Force, QueerTheCensus.org says, “We’re here. We’re queer. And we want you to ask us about it.”

I, for one, don’t believe it is any of the government’s business to know anyone’s sexual preference. Why would the government ever need to know this? Most people, except a few radical homosexuals, would rather keep their sexuality private.

Let’s not forget that the purpose of the census is to count the number of Americans, mostly so we can properly apportion U.S. House Districts. What does letting the government know your sexual orientation have to do with that?

I know, the Census does ask about race and gender, both obvious characteristics that wouldn’t hurt anyone to admit. But the Census doesn’t, and shouldn’t, ask more personal questions dealing with politics, religion, lifestyle, or behavior. That’s what the National Gay and Lesbian Task Force is asking for.

Individuals who practice the homosexual lifestyle, like everyone else, can be counted equally in the Census. The Census treats us all the same. Imagine the outcry from the liberal left if the Census included some boxes I’d like to check, like “Born Again Christian” and “Conservative.” Of course, I don’t think that’s any of the government’s business either.


  1. Brandice

    ARE YOU SERIOUS? You just said it’s none of the governments business if someone is a homosexual and yet you want to make sure the government knows about their sexuality when they want to start a family. You are a hypocrite!!

  2. Common Sense

    Just about to file suit for reverse descrimination. These queers are getting glamorized when they should be getting help.

  3. Apple

    If we had an accurate view of the gay and lesbian population of the United States, then progress can be made to give them equal rights as fellow human beings. This is why queering the census is important.

    Although, your track record shows that you are not very interested in human rights. So you will probably ignore this logic.

  4. Marlene

    Groups like this *have* no logic, Apple!

    All they have hate, prejudice, and bigotry — all based on a Bronze Age set of tenets: like slavery, subjugation of women, belief that the earth is flat, ad nauseum….

  5. Pingback: A Step Towards Equality « anotherpov

  6. Paul

    Teh gayz are just getting too uppity huh? Shut and sit in the back of the bus so we can more easily pretend you don’t exist. Never mind that funding for community organizations and resources is allocated based on census statistics. Never mind that the truth is a useful thing when making decisions about how society wishes to be structured.

  7. It is important for the government to be aware of the growth of LGBT families the census is the most obvious way to do that. It really isn’t fair to discriminate against LGBT members by making them fill out the census as heterosexuals see fit. If people want realistic numbers concerning the census they should be prepared to include everyone.

  8. Also, for your sake I would suggest rephrasing your term “sexual preference” and switching to sexual orientation. Perhaps you should also do you homework as well, including reading some gay friendly articles instead of all the propaganda I am sure you are used to reading.

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