Several years ago a state lawmaker told me that his rides home from Little Rock on the weekends were always a little depressing; he would pass his neighbors’ houses on his way into town, and he would reflect on how the votes he cast and the things he stood for that week hadn’t always reflected how the folks back home would have wanted him to act. How sad a situation. Encouragement, especially for a politician, can be difficult to give at times. However, the Apostle Paul tells Timothy to pray “for all that are in authority; that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and honesty” (1 Tim 2:2).
That is why we are cordially inviting ministers across the state of Arkansas to join us in worship at the Capitol Building Thursday, February 27, from 8:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. and also on Wednesday, March 5, from 7:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. for the Pastors Prayer Breakfast Assembly. We will start both days with breakfast in the Capitol Cafeteria (“Big Room”) located in the lower level of the Capitol Building, and then we will make our way upstairs for a short tour and assemble to pray for all of our 135 legislators and 7 constitutional officers. Optional activities are available afterwards.
The purpose isn’t to get pastors to become lobbyists, but to pray for and make their presence known to these elected officials as encouragement, support, and guidance. It is very easy for any person to lose sight of their faith, but more so for our leaders at the State Capitol with all the mess that seems to unfold during the legislative session. When pastors come to the Capitol, it brings a breath of fresh air to the place. The legislative process can be very draining for lawmakers. They spend so much mental and physical energy on all sorts of issues that it can be easy to forget about faith.
Ministers, their spouses, and others who may be interested will have the opportunity to come pray for our elected officials. Additionally, ministers are free to arrange meetings with their legislators to visit or pray. Call (501) 375-7000 or email to let us know if you plan to join us on Thursday, February 27, or Wednesday, March 5.
If you need an agenda of the day’s activities, need directions, or have any other questions please email You can reach Luke also via his cell phone at (501) 351-7714.
If you are not a minister, please be sure to forward this message to your pastor, and invite him to join us for prayer.
We hope to see you at the Capitol on Thursday, February 27, or Wednesday, March 5th.