Video: Socialists Chant “Free Abortion on Demand!” at Conference

A Family Council staff member saw this video and said, “This is just plain scary.” He couldn’t be more right. This video contains footage from a recent conference in Chicago for the International Socialist Organization. Conferences attendees chanted in support of Palestine and free abortions. Check out the video below, and read more here from

What Each Family Should Consider About Adoption

Rob Schwarzwalder with Family Research Council has a great blog post up called, “What Each Family Should Consider About Adoption.” In the post, he writes that “Christians should have a special place in their hearts for adoption because all who know Christ are themselves adopted into God’s family.” Click here to read more.

Group Wants Casino Initiative Declared Invalid

Reports Arkansas News Bureau: “A group opposed to expanding gambling in Arkansas has filed a challenge to a proposed ballot initiative that would authorize casino-style table games in four counties in the state. A group opposed to expanding gambling in Arkansas has filed a challenge to a proposed ballot initiative that would authorize casino-style table games in four counties in the state.”

Oaklawn & Southland Gambling Tops $1.3 Billion in First Half of 2012

“Casino-style gambling wagers at Oaklawn and Southland topped $1.3 billion during the first 6 months of 2012,” reports Roby Brock with Talk Business. Brock goes on to say that both establishments are “on course to easily surpass $2.5 billion in full-year wagers if current trends continue.”

Incredible: Cord Blood Stem Cells Restoring Toddler’s Hearing

In an amazing bit of news, stem cells derived from a baby girl’s own umbilical cord blood are restoring her hearing loss. This is an incredible breakthrough, and it’s a pro-life one. Click here to read more about it.