Family Businesses Winning Against Obamacare’s Contraception Mandate

Family-owned businesses are slowly making headway against Obamacare’s contraception mandate.

The mandate would require these businesses to purchase employees health insurance that includes coverage for contraception, abortifacients, sterilization, and similar items or face excessive fines.

So far 19 out of 26 plaintiffs have won stays against the mandate.

Read more here.

GOP Asks Justice Dept. to Grant Asylum to German Homeschoolers

27 House Republicans have asked Attorney General Eric Holder to stop opposing the Romeike family’s request for asylum in the U.S.

The family is seeking protection from the German government, wishing to educate their children at home the same way American families can.

Read more here.

Ravi Zacharias on The Value of Human Life


Kentucky ACLU Alleges Gideons Distributing Bibles at School

The Kentucky ACLU is accusing Gideons International of distributing Bibles at public schools. School officials, however, maintain the Gideons are part of an annual Meet and Greet open to members of the public and held after school hours.

Read more here.

Freedom From Religion Foundation Contests Mayor’s Prayer Breakfast

From Alliance Defending Freedom:

Freedom from Relgiion Foundation: The city of Hattiesburg, Miss., shouldn’t be using city resources and public tax dollars to promote a May 2 religious observance, FFRF Staff Attorney Elizabeth Cavell told Mayor Johnny L. DuPree in an April 9 letter of complaint.”