Entire Healthcare Law Should Be Overturned

Writing for National Review, Avik Roy, a senior fellow at the Manhattan Institute, makes a convincing case that is would be wise for the Supreme Court to overturn Obamacare in its entirety. Click here to read it.

General Motors Plant in Indiana Flies Gay Pride Flag

According to a news station out of Fort Wayne, Indiana, the General Motors plant there is flying a gay pride flag. Click here to read the story.

Southern Baptists Take a Stand for Marriage

“A day after electing their first African-American president, Southern Baptists passed a resolution opposing the idea that same-sex marriage is a civil rights issue,” reports KATV. We applaud this move by the Southern Baptists, which was made at their annual meeting in New Orleans.

Execution Law Ruled Unconstitutional by State Supreme Court

The Arkansas Supreme Court has ruled that the state’s execution law unconstitutional. We are still working through the details and trying to figure out exactly how this ruling will play out in reality, but you can read about it here.

FRC Spearheading Nationwide Prayer Effort

Our friends at Family Research Council are spearheading a nationwide effort encouraging Americans to all pray for our country on July 1. Check out Call2Fall.com to find out more about it!