Planned Parenthood Sets Up Shop at CA High School

Planned Parenthood has opened a “health clinic” on the campus of a California high school.

The neighborhood around the school is “heavily Latino and low-income,” and has a higher-than-expected teen birthrate. Among other things, teens will be offered contraceptives and “counseling” by Planned Parenthood employees.

Read more about this story here.

KS Justices Schemed Against Pro-Life Prosecutor

LifeSite News reports that Kansas Supreme Court Justices “colluded with prosecutors and the Kathleen Sebelius administration” to halt an investigation in Planned Parenthood.

You can read the full story here.

Revised DADT Policy Creates Tension for Chaplains

According to some, military chaplains are facing new tensions because of the government’s decision to rescind Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell.

Read more about the story here.

Former West Point Cadet May Challenge “Cadet’s Prayer”

A former West Point Cadet may challenge that the “Cadet’s Prayer” at West Point violates the Establishment Clause.

Read more here.

AP Highlights Fight Over Arkansas Ballot Measures

The Associated Press—in a story re-posted by The Washington Examiner—breaks down the fight over the ballot measures being proposed in Arkansas. Click here to read it.