Exposé on Planned Parenthood Founder Margaret Sanger

“Sanger was a provocateur who advocated racist and eugenicist views,” writes Dennis Behreandt for the American Daily Herald. This is a must-read exposé on the founder of Planned Parenthood, Margaret Sanger.

Defense of Marriage Act Heading to U.S. Supreme Court

Ken Klukowski with Family Research Council writes for Breitbart.com that the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA) will now be considered by the U.S. Supreme Court. Click here for the details.

Liberals Defending Sex-Selection Abortion

Writes the Family Research Council: “Chen Guangcheng may have escaped China, but he hasn’t escaped the anti-girl barbarism. Here in America, some leaders are still defending the sexist violence of his homeland–a violence that Chen spent his life fighting. Imagine his surprise this week when even the President of the United States wouldn’t take a stand against the intentional targeting of baby girls in the womb. After yesterday’s House debate, Chen must have wondered if he was still in communist China, as members like Rep. John Conyers (D-Mich.) tried to legitimize sex-selection abortion as an expression of women’s freedom! If America outlaws gendercide, Conyers argued, it would ‘trample the rights of women.'”

This entire piece is a must-read, and you can check it out by clicking here.

Family Research Council & Alliance Defense Fund on DOMA Ruling

Two organizations that we work closely with—Family Research Council (FRC) and Alliance Defense Fund (ADF)have issued comments in response to this week’s U.S. Court of Appeals ruling on the Defense of Marriage Act. Go here for FRC’s press release and here for ADF’s.

Family Council in the News on DOMA Ruling

In a story on their website, KARK-4 News quoted our press release responding to the recent U.S. Court of Appeals ruling on the Defense of Marriage Act. Click here to read the story.