New Trial Ordered in Lottery Ticket Suit

Andrew DeMillo reports: “An Arkansas judge has ordered a new trial over who can claim the $1 million prize from a scratch-off lottery ticket that a customer found discarded at a convenience store.”

Sex-Trafficking Ring Headquartered in Little Rock Busted

Sex-trafficking is evil and it’s happening in our own backyard. We must fight it. From the Associated Press: “The indictment says their operation was headquartered in Little Rock, Ark., but workers traveled frequently, stopping in a dozen states in one two-month span last year.”

Ethics Complaint Filed Against Oregon Psychiatrist

From an Alliance Defense Fund alert: Ethics complaint filed against an Oregon psychiatrist for practicing reparative therapy is part of new campaign by the Southern Poverty Law Center.

Chuck Colson on Courage

Liberal Cartoonist Calls for Marriage Supporters to “Hurry Up and Die”

“No one has ever mistaken Tom Toles as conservative. But when the Pulitzer-winning cartoonist called for marriage supporters to ‘hurry up and die,’ it didn’t exactly tickle the funny bone.” Click here to read more from Family Research Council.