ADF Attorney Byron Babione: You Can’t Redefine Marriage

Alliance Defense Fund attorney Byron Babione wrote a recent column for USA Today explaining why marriage should not be redefined.

Read more here.

Democratic Party Platform Could Include Same-Sex Marriage

Following President Obama’s announcement he supports same-sex marriage, Senator Harry Reid has stated that he is sure the legalization of same-sex marriage will be added as another plank in the Democratic Party’s platform.

You can read more about this story here.

Take the Marriage Quiz

The Ruth Institute has put together an interesting quiz on marriage. Click here to take it and see how you do.

FOX 16: Arkansans Debate Gay Marriage

Yesterday afternoon, Jerry had the opportunity to sit down with FOX 16’s Kelly Dudzik to discuss President Obama’s support for same-sex marriage. Some of the interview appeared in her story last night about the issue from a local perspective. You can watch a video of the story below.

2012 National Foster Care Prayer Vigil

Cry of the Orphan—a collaboration between Focus on the Family and Little Rock-based FamilyLife—is spearheading the 2012 National Foster Care Prayer Vigil taking place May 20-27. To learn more about this wonderful initiative, click here.