National Cancer Institute Researcher: Abortion-Breast Cancer Link True

Steven Ertelt with reports that a key researcher with the National Cancer Institute has “co-authored a study admitting the abortion-breast cancer link is true, calling it a ‘known risk factor.'” To read more, click here.

OK Lawmaker: Ban Use of Aborted Fetal Remains in Food Industry

For the past few days, we’ve been reporting on the practice of Pepsi and some other food and drink companies using aborted fetal remains to test their products. An Oklahoma lawmaker has introduced a bill to address this problem. Click here to read about it.

Pepsi Using Aborted Human Remains in Product Testing

The above headline probably made you do a double-take, as it sounds like it should be from some kind of sick satire, but it’s true. As reported by, Pepsi has a contract with biotech company Senomyx, which “uses fetal cells from babies victimized by abortions to test and produce artificial flavor enhancers.” Read more here.

Government to Require Taxpayers Fund Abortion for Illegal Immigrants

According to a recent article from, under new guidelines issued by the Obama administration, immigration agents must provide taxpayer-funded abortion services, transportation to the abortion clinic, and transgender hormone therapy for illegal aliens awaiting deportation.

Read more here.

Obama Administration: End Funding for Embryo Adoption Program

The Obama Administration is seeking to end federal funding for a pro-life program installed during the administration of President Bush that helped save unborn babies potentially slated for destruction in fertility clinics.

Read more here.