911 Calls Show Botched Abortions Severely Injured Women

Alabama 911 tapes obtained through an open records request show that two women were severely injured as a result of botched abortions last January.

According to a recent article, the tapes indicate two women undergoing abortion procedures each suffered heavy blood loss; to treat the low blood pressure that results from blood loss, they were each given a blood pressure drug, but they were given too much. Finally, clinic workers had no choice but to call for an ambulance.

Read more about this story here.

Panel Never Considered Conscience Clause in Contraception Mandate

According to recent statements, the panel that put together the contraception mandate issued by HHS never even considered including a clause exempting people and organizations from the mandate based on religious or conscientious objections.

You can read a full article on the story here.

VA Passes Pro-Life Legislation

The Virginia Senate has passed legislation requiring that before doctors to perform an abortion, they first do an ultrasound and make it available to the mother.

The bill returns to the Virginia House for concurrence on an amendment that was adopted on the Senate side.

Read more about the story here.

New Pro-Abortion Group Emerges in Virginia

In response to good pro-life legislation in Virginia, a new political action committee has formed. Their goal is to find candidates who will oppose the elected officials who backed Virginia’s ultrasound bill.

Read the entire story here.

Texas De-Funds Planned Parenthood, Abortion Providers

Texas is leading the way in de-funding abortion providers.

Under Texas’ new law, organizations that perform abortions (e.g. Planned Parenthood) will not be eligible for state funding under the Women’s Health Program.

This means Texas will be able to ensure the grant money it awards to organizations who promote women’s health are doing just that: Promoting women’s health, not aborting babies.

Read the entire story from Family Research Council Action here.