Elementary School Censors ‘God’ in 1st Grader’s Veteran’s Day Poem

From Alliance Defending Freedom — “An elementary school has removed a sentence referring to “God” from a 1st-grader’s poem commemorating her grandfathers’ military service. The school forced the student to remove the sentence prior to presenting the poem at a Veteran’s Day ceremony last month.

“The censored sentence, referring to one of her grandfathers who served during the Vietnam War, read, ‘He prayed to God for peace, he prayed to God for strength.’Alliance Defending Freedom sent a letter Friday on behalf of McDowell County residents who are concerned that similar acts of unconstitutional censorship could occur again.”

Read more here.

Tolerance, Truth, and Tough Love

From time to time, we like to feature blog posts from the Family Research Council. Today’s is especially worth sharing. Called “Tolerance, Truth, and Tough Love,” FRC blogger Sharron Barrett delves into what it means to truly love. In short, she discusses that you can’t love without telling the truth—even if you might offend someone. Check it out by clicking here.

Largest 40 Days for Life Ever Starts in 316 Cities Tomorrow

Shawn Carney, campaign director for 40 Days for Life, writes about this annual pro-life effort and how it’s the largest campaign yet. Click here to read his column for LifeNews.com.

France Set to Ban Words ‘Father,’ ‘Mother’ From Law

A law has been proposed that would ban the words “father” and “mother” from all official documents in France.

The move comes as part of an effort to legalize same-sex marriage in France. “Father and mother” would be replaced by the gender-neutral term “parents” in all French laws and official documents.

Opponents worry it could lead to the legalization of polygamy or even incest–which is understandable, considering once marriage has been redefined to ignore gender, there is little logically to stop it from being redefined to ignore other boundaries that may currently exist.

Read more here.

Senator Key Explains Lottery Scholarship Proposal