Group Raises $12K for Arkansas Abortion Amendment Campaign

Arkansans for Limited Government raised $12,080 for its abortion amendment effort in December, according to reports filed with the Arkansas Ethics Commission last week.

All told, the group has $14,010 at its disposal.

In November the organization asked Arkansas Attorney General Tim Griffin’s office to certify the popular name and ballot title of an amendment permanently enshrining abortion in the Arkansas Constitution.

The A.G.’s team has rejected the amendment’s language twice, citing ambiguities in the measure’s wording.

If approved, this amendment would write abortion into the Arkansas Constitution, erase decades of good, pro-life laws, and put women and unborn children at risk.

Family Council has worked for nearly 35 years to promote and protect the sanctity and dignity of innocent human life in Arkansas. We are firmly committed to stopping abortion in our state.

Gen Z, Millennials Say Abortion Ought to Be Prohibited in Some or All Cases: New Poll

Students for Life of America recently polled Gen Z and Millennials on abortion. Here are a few key takeaways:

Nearly one in five (17%) of youth and young adults surveyed said they support a total ban on abortion Only twenty-five percent support unrestricted abortion on demand. Roughly half of respondents want abortion restricted to the first trimester or at 15 weeks.

Over 90% support life-saving measures for babies who survive botched abortions.

After learning of the absence of a National Abortion Reporting Law, 57% voiced support for such a law to track complications from abortions, with 25% strongly supporting.

The research included 1,121 registered voters between the ages of 18-42, with 27% belonging to Gen Z and 73% Millennials. You can read more about the poll results here.

The poll’s findings track with data we have seen elsewhere around the country — including in Arkansas.

On the whole, public opinion polling has found repeatedly that Arkansans believe abortion ought to be either completely prohibited or restricted to certain circumstances.

Since 2011, the Arkansas Legislature has passed more than 40 pro-life measures that protect women and unborn children from abortion — including laws that prohibit doctors from performing an abortion unless the mother’s life is at risk

Today there is no safer place for women and unborn children than Arkansas.

Articles appearing on this website are written with the aid of Family Council’s researchers and writers.