Washington State: Mandatory Abortion Coverage Bill Moves Forward

Pro-abortion legislation is advancing in Washington state.

A bill requiring maternity insurance policies to include abortion coverage was approved by a state senate committee this week. The bill has already been approved by the House of Representatives. It now goes to the Washington Senate for a final vote.

According to our colleagues at the Family Policy Institute of Washington,

“[The] ‘Do pass without recommendation’ tag is rare because it indicates a willingness to allow the bill to [move] forward, but does not indicate the committee is recommending it be passed. Usually a bill moving out of committee has the recommendation ‘Do pass.’ This rarity is an indication that this bill has serious problems that even the proponents recognize.   Still, the committee did not consider any amendments.

“The Washington State Legislature is one step closer to passing a bill that would make it illegal to either sell or purchase an insurance plan that does not provide abortion. This bill would deny every individual and insurance company in Washington State the right to purchase a product that would not require them to subsidize abortions.”

They go on to point out that insurance providers already offer abortion coverage in conjunction with maternity plans, and that this bill is completely unnecessary. They also expect Planned Parenthood advocates to mount legislative offensives against Washington crisis pregnancy centers and similar organizations.

Read a full news article here.

911 Calls Show Botched Abortions Severely Injured Women

Alabama 911 tapes obtained through an open records request show that two women were severely injured as a result of botched abortions last January.

According to a recent article, the tapes indicate two women undergoing abortion procedures each suffered heavy blood loss; to treat the low blood pressure that results from blood loss, they were each given a blood pressure drug, but they were given too much. Finally, clinic workers had no choice but to call for an ambulance.

Read more about this story here.

Dutch Psychiatrists Hail Euthanasia as “Emancipation”

In an article posted last month, Dutch psychiatrists hail their ability to euthanize patients as “emancipation.”

“Assisted suicide, as a last resort in psychiatry, [has been] legally admissible since 2002, [and] recently legitimized in practice. The midwife [of] Death is now appropriate for psychiatric reach patients, representing an emancipation of the psychiatric patient and psychiatry itself.”

In other words, psychiatrists are no longer responsible for helping suicidal patients overcome their problems; they can now help them kill themselves instead–and that is ’emancipation.’

Dr. Del Tackett talks about “social insanity” in his worldview study The Truth Project. It’s what happens when a people drift so far from the Truth that they fail to recognize right and wrong in their most basic forms; they’re so far from reality, their entire society begins to accept the insane as good and moral.

I believe, unfortunately, that’s what we’re beginning to see in the Netherlands.

Read the entire article here.