Pro-Life Gains in Virginia

Virginia’s state House and Senate are weighing two pro-life bills.

The first bill requires doctors conduct an ultrasound, allowing a woman to see her unborn baby before having an abortion. This is very similar to legislation sponsored last year that would have required doctors to allow a woman to listen to her baby’s heartbeat before performing an abortion.

The second bill states that life begins at conception.

You can read more about the legislation here.

Michael Cook’s Uninformed Assertions

Michael Cook was Chief of Staff for former Lieutenant Governor Bill Halter until Halter’s failed U.S. Senate candidacy. He now writes a column for Talk Business.

Mr. Cook published a blog post this week encouraging Democratic candidates not to fill out the Arkansas Voter’s Guide survey we send every election year. The reason? Mr. Cook says Family Council is nothing more than an arm of the Republican Party of Arkansas.
