Atheist Group Complains About Bibles Being Sold to Military Members

The Freedom From Religious Foundation has been all over the place these days, trying to make it very difficult for people of faith to exercise their freedom of religion. Their newest target in their war on religion is the presence of Bibles at U.S. military base exchanges, where servicemen and women can purchase Bibles voluntarily. Sound absurd? It is. But it’s also unfortunately true. Family Research Council has the details.

Religious Freedom Rally News Coverage

As you know, the Stand Up for Religious Freedom rally last in Little Rock on Friday was a huge success. Thanks to everyone who attended and spread the word. We believe that people were moved and motivated by the speakers and the mission before us—taking a stand for religious freedom before it’s too late.

If you missed the rally or would just like to watch the speeches again, we’ve uploaded the full rally to YouTube. We’ll be uploading even more videos soon, including each speech separated into different videos and the full rally from multiple camera angles.

On the news front, the rally was covered by several outlets. Here are some links:

I’m sure there are many more news stories that we just haven’t found yet! We are still so excited about how the rally turned out, and we hope you had a great time.