Oppose “hate-crimes” bill in the Senate

In the realm of politics, there are a lot of misunderstood issues, and “hate-crimes” legislation is one of them. It seems harmless on the surface, but don’t let appearances fool you—it could be used to stifle and even prosecute religious speech.

The Matthew Shepherd Hate Crimes Act (S.909), which is ready to be voted on this week in the U.S. Senate (probably as an amendent to the Defense Authorization Bill), would grant the Department of Justice alarming, broad-sweeping power. If passed, the DOJ would be authorized to investigate and prosecute certain bias-motivated crimes based on the victim’s actual or perceived sexual orientation, gender, gender identity, or disability.


Sotomayor is Not the Right Choice

Three Reasons Judge Sonia Sotomayor is not the Right Choice for the U.S. Supreme Court

First, her record reveals that she is perfectly willing to lift the blindfold of justice to achieve her desired result.  In 2005, she told students at the Duke University School of Law that the U.S. Court of Appeals is “where policy is made.”  Most Americans are tired of judges who make laws rather than interpreting.  Judge Sotomayor appears to be a judge who believes the courts should make policy. (more…)