Why a Texas-Style Pro-Life Law Might Not Have the Same Effect in Arkansas

The U.S. Supreme Court’s Decision to Allow a Pre-Enforcement Challenge Against the Texas Heartbeat Law Means Courts Might Not Enforce It In Arkansas

The U.S. Supreme Court’s recent handling of Texas’ pro-life “heartbeat” law calls into question whether or not a similar pro-life law would be enforceable in Arkansas.

Last year Texas passed a law generally prohibiting abortion after an unborn baby’s heartbeat is detected. Instead of creating criminal penalties for abortion, Texas’ law lets anyone file a lawsuit against a person who violates the state’s heartbeat law. If an abortionist breaks the law, a person could sue the abortionist for $10,000. Since September, the law has generally stopped abortion in Texas. That is part of the reason why last December several Arkansas lawmakers unsuccessfully attempted to pass a Texas-style pro-life measure during a special session of the General Assembly.

The day after the General Assembly went home from that special session, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that the Texas pro-life law could remain in effect in Texas, but left the door open for other legal challenges against the law. Because of that ruling, many people—my staff and I included—at first thought that meant a Texas-style pro-life law could stop abortion if passed in Arkansas. But now we’re beginning to see that courts might not enforce the law in Arkansas the way they have in Texas. Here’s why not.

When the U.S. Supreme Court let the Texas law stand, the court also allowed a type of lawsuit called a pre-enforcement challenge to continue against the Texas law. Pre-enforcement challenges are a way for people to challenge a law in court even if the law isn’t being enforced against them. It’s one of the ways the ACLU and Planned Parenthood challenge Arkansas’ pro-life laws in federal court—often even before a law officially takes effect. Because of the U.S. Supreme Court’s handling of the Texas law, if Arkansas passed a similar pro-life law today, the ACLU and Planned Parenthood could file a pre-enforcement legal challenge against the law before it could take effect. The lawsuit probably would go to U.S. District Judge Kristine Baker in Little Rock. Because of this, Judge Baker would be free to consider the pre-enforcement challenge and block the law in Arkansas. The Eighth Circuit might eventually unblock the law, but that appeal process would take Arkansas’ attorney general several months or longer.

Most legal experts I have spoken with believe the courts will eventually strike down the Texas law, not based on its effect on abortion, but based on its enforcement mechanism that gives anyone in America standing to sue any Texan who performs or is involved in the performance of an abortion. 

So does that mean Arkansas shouldn’t pass a Texas-style pro-life law? Not necessarily.

It just means Arkansas isn’t guaranteed the same outcome as Texas.

Federal courts in Texas are letting the state enforce the heartbeat law right now, but federal courts in Arkansas might not.

In June, the U.S. Supreme Court is scheduled to issue its abortion decision in the Dobbs case from Mississippi. Many legal experts I have spoken with believe the court may overturn Roe v. Wade. If that happens, a Texas-type abortion bill won’t be necessary in Arkansas. Each state would be able to make its own abortion laws. Sen. Jason Rapert and Rep. Mary Bentley, in 2021, passed a ban on abortions in Arkansas except to save the life of the mother. If Roe v. Wade is reversed, almost all abortions will be illegal in Arkansas under that law.

Throwback: The 2020 Super Bowl Ad You Didn’t See

On February 2, 2020, the Kansas City Chiefs won their first Super Bowl in 50 years. Even more than football, though, the Super Bowl is known for its elaborate commercials that cost millions of dollars to produce and broadcast. This year’s advertising lineup included a controversial commercial that featured — of all things — drag queens eating hummus. You would think that a network willing to air something like that would be willing to sell ad space to anyone with money to spend, right? Apparently not.

Fox refused to air a Super Bowl ad featuring abortion survivors — men and women who were nearly killed in legal abortions before they were born. You can still watch the ad online by searching for “Faces of Choice.” It’s just 30-seconds of abortion survivors looking into a camera and asking questions, like, “Can you tell me that I didn’t deserve to survive?”

Apparently Fox is worried that asking questions about abortion might upset some viewers, but there’s nothing wrong with drag queens parading around onscreen. Go figure.

Reprinted from Family Council’s March, 2020, update letter.

Poll Finds Vast Majority of Americans Believe Abortion Should Be Illegal in Most or All Cases

A new survey released last week by Marist Poll shows that most Americans believe abortion should be either completely illegal or legal only under certain circumstances.

The findings track closely with past surveys by Marist, Gallup, CBS, and other pollsters.

Marist surveyed 1,004 adults from January 4 – January 9, 2022.

The poll found overall, 71% of Americans support restrictions on abortion — in other words, 71% of Americans believe abortion ought to be either completely illegal or legal only in some cases.

The poll also found:

  • 55% of those surveyed consider themselves Pro-Choice.
  • 54% oppose using tax dollars to pay for abortions.
  • 61% of said the U.S. Supreme Court should either prohibit abortion or let states pass their own abortion restrictions.
  • Only 26% of adults under age 40 support abortion on demand.

As we have written time and again, most Americans oppose abortion on demand. — especially in Arkansas.

Seventy-nine percent of Arkansans surveyed last fall said abortion ought to be completely illegal or legal only under certain circumstances, and a growing number of communities in Arkansas have passed resolutions affirming that they are Pro-Life.

Most Arkansans support protections for unborn children.

Protecting the lives of unborn children has always been something that Family Council is committed to. We look forward to continuing protecting the lives of the unborn in the future.