ACLU, Planned Parenthood Continuing to Fight Texas’ Heartbeat Law in Federal Court

On Monday the ACLU announced it is asking the U.S. Supreme Court to expedite its challenge against Texas’ pro-life heartbeat law at the district court level.

Expediting the challenge would let the ACLU continue fighting the law in lower federal court.

Texas’ heartbeat law generally prohibits abortion after an unborn baby’s heartbeat is detected, and it has effectively prevented abortion in Texas since September.

The ACLU and Planned Parenthood have fought Texas’ pro-life law in federal court, but in December the U.S. Supreme Court decided to let the Texas heartbeat law remain in effect while leaving the door open for other possible challenges against it.

On Monday the ACLU issued a statement, saying, “We have brought our challenge to SB8 back to the Supreme Court. The Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals is defying the Supreme Court’s opinion by refusing to send our case back to the district court, delaying our challenge against Texas’ extreme ban.”

On Monday the ACLU also issued a blatantly pro-abortion statement on social media, saying, “Abortion is health care. Forced pregnancy laws take away our rights and freedom.”

Pro-abortion groups used to say that abortion ought to be “safe, legal, and rare.” Lately, however, groups like the ACLU and Planned Parenthood have dropped the word “rare” from their talking points.

The reality is most Americans do not see pro-life laws as “forced pregnancy laws” the way the ACLU seems to.

Gallup released a poll in June of 2019 showing 60% of Americans believe abortion should be either illegal or legal only under a few circumstances, and public opinion polling consistently shows Arkansans are overwhelmingly pro-life.

Americans oppose abortion on demand, and a striking number agree that abortion ought to be completely illegal. That’s part of the reason why slowly but surely we are winning the fight to end abortion.

Arkansas’ 44th Annual March for Life Just Two Weeks Away!

Arkansas’ 44th annual March for Life is happening in just a little over two weeks.

This is a great opportunity for pro-lifers to gather and march against abortion in Arkansas.

The march will take place Sunday, January 16, 2022, at 2:00 PM in downtown Little Rock.

The staging area for the march is between Battery and Wolfe street’s just west of the Arkansas Capitol Building on West Capitol Avenue. Pro-lifers will march to the front of the Arkansas Capitol Building.

For more information call 501.663.4237 or visit