Throwback: The 2020 Super Bowl Ad You Didn’t See

On February 2, 2020, the Kansas City Chiefs won their first Super Bowl in 50 years. Even more than football, though, the Super Bowl is known for its elaborate commercials that cost millions of dollars to produce and broadcast. This year’s advertising lineup included a controversial commercial that featured — of all things — drag queens eating hummus. You would think that a network willing to air something like that would be willing to sell ad space to anyone with money to spend, right? Apparently not.

Fox refused to air a Super Bowl ad featuring abortion survivors — men and women who were nearly killed in legal abortions before they were born. You can still watch the ad online by searching for “Faces of Choice.” It’s just 30-seconds of abortion survivors looking into a camera and asking questions, like, “Can you tell me that I didn’t deserve to survive?”

Apparently Fox is worried that asking questions about abortion might upset some viewers, but there’s nothing wrong with drag queens parading around onscreen. Go figure.

Reprinted from Family Council’s March, 2020, update letter.

Poll Finds Vast Majority of Americans Believe Abortion Should Be Illegal in Most or All Cases

A new survey released last week by Marist Poll shows that most Americans believe abortion should be either completely illegal or legal only under certain circumstances.

The findings track closely with past surveys by Marist, Gallup, CBS, and other pollsters.

Marist surveyed 1,004 adults from January 4 – January 9, 2022.

The poll found overall, 71% of Americans support restrictions on abortion — in other words, 71% of Americans believe abortion ought to be either completely illegal or legal only in some cases.

The poll also found:

  • 55% of those surveyed consider themselves Pro-Choice.
  • 54% oppose using tax dollars to pay for abortions.
  • 61% of said the U.S. Supreme Court should either prohibit abortion or let states pass their own abortion restrictions.
  • Only 26% of adults under age 40 support abortion on demand.

As we have written time and again, most Americans oppose abortion on demand. — especially in Arkansas.

Seventy-nine percent of Arkansans surveyed last fall said abortion ought to be completely illegal or legal only under certain circumstances, and a growing number of communities in Arkansas have passed resolutions affirming that they are Pro-Life.

Most Arkansans support protections for unborn children.

Protecting the lives of unborn children has always been something that Family Council is committed to. We look forward to continuing protecting the lives of the unborn in the future.

Throwback: Pro-Life Activists Arrested at Surgical Abortion Facility in Little Rock (January 15, 2021)

Above: A Little Rock police officer arrests a pro-lifer outside the state’s only surgical abortion facility on January 15, 2021.

A version of the following article originally appeared in Family Council’s February, 2021, update letter.

A little before 8:00 AM on Friday, January 15, 2021, Little Rock police arrested seven pro-life activists for criminal trespassing at Little Rock Family Planning Services — Arkansas’ only surgical abortion facility.

Videos streamed and posted on YouTube and Facebook show seven people blocking the entrance to Little Rock Family Planning. At least six police cruisers and numerous officers responded to the situation and arrested the pro-lifers while an estimated 30 pro-life advocates prayed and protested from the sidewalks outside the facility.

Those arrested appeared to be part of a pro-life group that came to Little Rock from out of state to protest abortion and block the abortion facility.

Police promptly released all seven people once they were removed from Little Rock Family Planning Services’ property. At this time, we do not know of any charges pending against them. According to information anti-abortion groups circulated on Facebook, among those arrested were a teenage girl and an elderly woman who survived a communist gulag. Obviously, we do not blame the police for doing their job in enforcing Little Rock’s laws against trespassing.

Although it isn’t very common, this is not the first time that pro-lifers have been arrested for blocking an abortion facility entrance in Little Rock. On July 8, 1994, Little Rock police arrested 29 people from Operation Rescue. The individuals had traveled to Little Rock, where they blocked the entrance to an abortion facility that Dr. Mose Smith operated down the street from War Memorial Stadium; that facility has long since shut down.

As we said in July of 1994, Family Council agrees with stopping abortion through any legal means. We’ve never utilized the more aggressive tactics that some groups use. The folks from out of state who came to Little Rock last year and Family Council both have a mutual goal of ending abortion. That’s what matters to us.