Researchers: Marijuana Impairs Memory

This week, researchers published an article in the The Journal of the American Medical Association confirming once again that marijuana use negatively impacts memory.

Researchers found “current use of marijuana was associated with worse verbal memory and processing speed,” and that even among people who no longer use marijuana, “cumulative lifetime exposure to marijuana remained significantly associated with worse verbal memory.”

In other words, marijuana use impairs cognitive functions, and heavy marijuana use impairs short-term memory for years to come.

You can read more about the study and its findings here.

Colorado Recalls Nearly 100,000 Packages of Marijuana Candy Due to Pesticides

Marijuana CandyAccording to the Cannabist, Colorado, has recalled over 99,000 packages of candy laced with marijuana.

The recall is based on concerns the marijuana used to make the candy was treated with pesticides that could be harmful if ingested.

The recall is the 15th in Denver during the past 16 weeks.

This recall underscores another aspect of marijuana legalization many do not consider and that is difficult to address: Marijuana exposed to pesticides or other dangerous chemicals carries additional health risks beyond those ordinarily associated with marijuana.

A Marijuana-Infused Thanksgiving Dinner?

Pumpkin_PieRecently we wrote how most Americans still give thanks to God at Thanksgiving for the many blessings they enjoy. We eat food with friends and family, and we give thanks for all that we have. However, as the holiday season approaches, some websites are actually promoting marijuana-infused Thanksgiving and Christmas recipes.

For example, offers recipes for everything from pot cookies to marijuana-infused pies. One writer describes the process for making THC-infused butter, saying, “Some people like to make a mild butter and use it to spread on their toast in the morning or add a teaspoon or two to a baked potato.”

Does anyone actually think it’s a good idea to eat butter infused with marijuana before heading out the door to work? Does that sound like a healthy way to start the day?

A marijuana-infused Thanksgiving meal sounds like a joke, but the truth is there are several problems with marijuana edibles. (more…)