Call Your Lawmakers About SJR16

SJR 16 is up for a vote on Thursday at the Capitol in Little Rock. Family Council and the ACLU both oppose this bill. That should tell you something about how bad it is.

This proposed amendment to our State Constitution would hurt the rights of the people to circulate petitions to place measures on the ballot. Moneyed interests at the Capitol are willing to hurt the people just to protect their own interests.

Please leave a message for your State Representative at 501-682-6211 and your State Senator at 501-682-2902. Ask him or her to vote against SJR 16. They’re hearing from the lobbyists. They need to hear from the people.

UPDATED: Ask Your Representative to Support Religious Freedom

SB1119, the Religious Freedom Restoration Act, needs your support.

This good law affirms the First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, and can prevent the future erosion of religious liberty. The Home School Legal Defense Association has written extensively about how state Religious Freedom Restoration Acts like this one help protect home schoolers who want to home school for religious reasons from harassment. Last week Texas’ religious freedom law was used to overturn a Dallas city ordinance preventing local ministries from distributing food to the homeless.


Why Arkansas Needs The Religious Freedom Restoration Act

SB1119, the Religious Freedom Restoration Act (RFRA) affirms the traditional interpretation of “free exercise of religion” under the U.S. Constitution and the Arkansas Constitution. It provides legal recourse for individuals whose religious freedoms are infringed and prescribes penalties for filing frivolous or fraudulent lawsuits. (more…)