Five Facts About Marijuana’s Medical Risks

In recent years groups like the American Lung Association, American Heart Association, and others have highlighted serious risks and health conditions associated with marijuana.

Here are five of them:

#1. Marijuana Use Increases Your Risk of Heart Attack and Stroke

A recent study noted by the American Heart Association found that marijuana users face increased risk of heart attack and stroke compared to non-users.

The more often someone uses marijuana, the greater the risk.

Daily marijuana users had 25% higher risk of heart attack compared to non-users. The risk of stroke was 42% higher for daily users compared to non-users.

#2. Marijuana Smoke Causes Lung Damage

Experts agree smoking is still the most popular way to use marijuana. But marijuana smoke contains toxins and carcinogens similar to tobacco smoke.

And the lung damage it causes is linked to lesser-known conditions, such as chronic bronchitis.

#3. Marijuana Smoke Carries Other Health Risks As Well

Marijuana smoke damages more than the lungs. It also can suppress the immune system, raising other health concerns.

#4 Poisoning from Marijuana Gummies is Sending Children to the E.R.

In recent years there’s been a surge in the number of Poison Control Center calls and E.R. visits resulting from accidentally ingesting THC.

In particular, children sometimes eat candy laced with marijuana by mistake, causing them to experience a medical emergency.

#5. “Medical” Marijuana Carries the Same Health Risks as “Recreational” Marijuana

Practically speaking, there’s no difference between “medical” marijuana and “recreational” marijuana products.

Smoke from so-called “medical” marijuana carries the very same health risks and causes the same lung damage as so-called “recreational” marijuana.

And “medical” marijuana gummies contain the same chemicals as “recreational” gummies.

Additional Points to Consider

  • An organization in Arkansas is spending hundreds of thousands of dollars to put marijuana on the ballot this year.
  • If passed, the 2024 marijuana amendment would drastically expand Arkansas’ medical marijuana law to enable recreational marijuana statewide.
    • For example, people would be able to use marijuana without suffering from a specific medical condition — like cancer — listed in state law.
  • It also would give marijuana growers and sellers a monopoly over the marijuana industry in Arkansas.
  • All of this could mean more marijuana in Arkansas, if the amendment passes this year.

Articles appearing on this website are written with the aid of Family Council’s researchers and writers.

Concerns Rise Over Illicit Marijuana, Fentanyl Precursors With Ties to China

U.S. Rep. Dan Newhouse, R-Washington, recently appeared on Fox News Business to discuss congressional concerns over illegal marijuana farms and about fentanyl precursors in the U.S. — both with alleged ties to China.

Across the board, media outlets have repeatedly demonstrated how legalization of marijuana has fueled black market operations rather than reducing them — emboldening drug cartels that operate industrial scale marijuana cultivation sites.

Some of these marijuana operations are tied to labor trafficking and violent crime, and some may actually have connections to foreign interests like the Chinese Communist Party.

CBN reported last October that Chinese investors with “suitcases full of cash” are buying U.S. farmland to grow black market marijuana.

A CBS News segment last year highlighted how Chinese investment is driving illegal marijuana production across the U.S.

The list goes on.

These reports come as an organization in Arkansas is spending hundreds of thousands of dollars to put marijuana on the ballot this year.

You can watch the Fox Business segment below.