Here’s a Little Information About President Trump’s Supreme Court Pick

This week President Trump nominated Tenth Circuit Court of Appeals Judge Neil Gorsuch to fill Justice Antonin Scalia’s vacancy on the U.S. Supreme Court.

Here is a little about Judge Gorsuch and some noteworthy opinions he has issued:

  • He is a graduate of Harvard Law School.
  • He holds a Doctor of Philosophy in Law from Oxford University.
  • He clerked for U.S. Supreme Court Justices Byron White and Anthony Kennedy.
    • Justice White is noteworthy for dissenting in the Roe v. Wade abortion decision that legalized abortion nationwide. Justice Kennedy is noteworthy for writing the Planned Parenthood v. Casey abortion decision and the 2015 Obergefell decision legalizing same-sex marriage nationwide.
    • This matters, because some people believe looking at who an attorney clerked for after law school is one way to gauge his or her judicial philosophy.
  • President George W. Bush nominated him to the Tenth Circuit Court of Appeals in 2006.  He was confirmed on a voice vote by the U.S. Senate, because his nomination was not deemed controversial.
  • As a federal judge, Neil Gorsuch has issued opinions in favor of religious liberty in lawsuits like the Hobby Lobby case.
  • In 2007 he wrote a dissenting opinion in the Pleasant Grove City v. Summum case. In it he argued it was constitutional for a city to display a donated monument of the Ten Commandments on public property without displaying other monuments. Ultimately, the U.S. Supreme Court agreed.
  • In 2009 he authored the book The Future of Assisted Suicide and Euthanasia, in  which he analyzed the arguments in favor of euthanasia and assisted suicide, but ultimately provided strong arguments against these practices.

Family Council, Gov. Hutchinson, Sen. Russ Host Event in Conway

Last night Family Council teamed up with Governor Asa Hutchinson and former state Senator Stanley Russ  in Conway to discuss, among other things, the importance of families and public policies related to families in Arkansas.

Below are a few pictures from the event.

Interesting Planks Emerge in Draft GOP Platform

Republicanlogo.svgThe Republican National Committee is reworking its platform ahead of the Republican convention, and a few interesting planks are emerging in the draft platform.

So far, noteworthy changes being offered to the GOP platform (according to various news outlets) include:

  1. Naming Internet pornography a public health crisis.
  2. Maintaining that marriage ought to be the union of one man and one woman.
  3. Putting the power to make marriage laws back into the hands of the states.
  4. Acknowledging that children raised in traditional, two-parent households are “physically and emotionally healthier, less likely to use drugs and alcohol, engage in crime, or become pregnant outside of marriage.”
  5. Stating that children have a “natural right to be raised in an intact biological family.”
  6. Affirming that students should be able to study the Bible academically as an elective course in public schools.
  7. Maintaining a pro-life position on the issue of abortion.

We will continue to monitor the different party platforms as the summer progresses.