ADF: Court Precedent Says Schools Can Keep Boys Out of Girls’ Locker Rooms

MUTCD_RS-022.svgMany still find it shocking, but there is a real battle underway in America over whether or not schools must let biological males who claim to be female use women’s restrooms and locker rooms at school.

Members of the Obama administration are pushing very hard to force schools to change their restroom and locker room policies, but as John Stonestreet at the Chuck Colson Center for Christian Worldview and as attorneys from the Alliance Defending Freedom both note, schools can–and have–successfully defeat this kind of bullying from the federal government.

Stonestreet notes,

Many parents wonder if they can do anything to stem this tide. After all, can you stop the federal government?

The Alliance Defending Freedom’s answer is a resounding “yes!”

Speaking recently on Moody Radio, the ADF’s Matt Sharp said that “If you look at what the [legal] precedent says, and what the most recent courts looking at this issue have found,” it becomes clear that “schools can have these separate facilities” for boys and girls.

Last year Alliance Defending Freedom drafted a model policy schools can adopt to protect the privacy of their students. The policy reads in part, (more…)

A Guide for Parents: When a Loved One Says, “I’m Gay.”

TV-Kit6Recently we have highlighted a number of resources on our website that are courtesy of our friends at Focus on the Family. These resources are available for you, your family, and your church, and they are designed to equip you to respond to today’s culture.

Our friends at Focus recently released a guide geared toward parents. It deals with how to respond when a loved one tells you, “I’m gay.” Jeff Johnston with Focus on the Family writes,

A 2015 study from the United Kingdom found that almost half of the 18-to-24-year-olds surveyed do not identify as ‘heterosexual.’ That’s right; 49 percent of the young adults in the poll placed themselves somewhere on the scale where homosexuality was an option. Another study by the same group found that in the U.S., almost one-third of young Americans don’t define themselves as ‘100-percent heterosexual.’

We live in a time where ‘sexual fluidity’ and the celebration of homosexuality are commonplace.

Johnston goes on to offer input and pointers on responding to family members who identify themselves as gay in a manner that is loving without compromising biblical truth.

You can download this new guide here.

You can also check out a number of similar guides on our Resources For Your Church and Family page.

Researchers Try to Label “Homophobia” a Mental Disorder

A new column from our friends at the Chuck Colson Center for Christian Worldview highlights recent “research” attempting to peg homophobia as a psychological disorder.

Eric Metaxas writes,

“‘Live Science’ reports that researchers at the University of Rome Tor Vergata asked 560 university students to report their feelings about homosexuality, then gave them a standard psychiatric evaluation. . . . .

“Lead researcher Emmanuele Jannini concluded, ‘After discussing for centuries if homosexuality is to be considered a disease, for the first time we demonstrated that the real disease to be cured is homophobia.’

“Well, this was red meat for progressive websites and news outlets, who gladly trumpeted the results.

“I can’t help but think of C. S. Lewis’ chilling and prophetic essay, ‘The Humanitarian Theory of Punishment.’ Lewis believed that persecution in the future would look less like jack-booted thuggery, and more like therapy: ‘…certain schools of psychology already regard religion as a neurosis,’ he wrote. ‘When this particular neurosis becomes inconvenient to the government, what is to hinder the government from proceeding to “cure” it,’ with mandatory re-education or other forms of treatment?”

Of course, as Metaxas points out, there are a number of problems with how this “research” is being analyzed and applied–not the least of which being the fact a phobia is “an irrational and debilitating fear,” something that is not the basis of Christians’ objections to homosexual behavior and same-sex marriage.

Christians object to same-sex marriage not because they are afraid of something; they object in large part because same-sex marriage ignores two the fundamental truths about marriage: That men and women are each made distinctly in the image of God, and that marriage unites these two halves of God’s image.

You can listen to Metaxas’ full commentary below–or click here to read it.

[audio:|titles=Diagnosing Dissenters–Is Homophobia a Disorder?]