Arkansas House Passes Informed-Consent Bill for Abortion Drugs

On Wednesday the Arkansas House of Representatives passed H.B. 1572 by a vote of 76 to 15.

This good bill by Rep. Robin Lundstrum (R – Springdale) and Sen. Scott Flippo (R – Mountain Home) outlines the informed-consent requirements for chemical abortions in Arkansas.

Arkansas’ current informed-consent laws for abortion are geared primarily for surgical abortion procedures. With the rise in chemical abortion drugs like RU-486, Arkansas law needs to be strengthened to address drug-induced abortion as well as surgical abortion.

H.B. 1572 will help make sure women get all the facts about chemical abortion — including its risks, consequences, and pro-life alternatives.

The bill now goes to the Arkansas Senate. Below is a breakdown of Wednesday’s vote on H.B. 1572.

Voted FOR H.B. 1572

  • Barker
  • Beatty Jr.
  • Beck
  • Bentley
  • S. Berry
  • M. Berry
  • Boyd
  • Bragg
  • Breaux
  • Brooks
  • Brown
  • Bryant
  • Carr
  • Cavenaugh
  • Christiansen
  • Cloud
  • Coleman
  • C. Cooper
  • Cozart
  • Crawford
  • Dalby
  • M. Davis
  • Deffenbaugh
  • Dotson
  • Eaves
  • Eubanks
  • Evans
  • C. Fite
  • L. Fite
  • Fortner
  • Furman
  • Gazaway
  • Gonzales
  • M. Gray
  • Haak
  • Hawks
  • Hillman
  • Holcomb
  • Hollowell
  • Jean
  • Jett
  • L. Johnson
  • Ladyman
  • Lowery
  • Lundstrum
  • Lynch
  • Maddox
  • J. Mayberry
  • McClure
  • McCollum
  • M. McElroy
  • McGrew
  • McKenzie
  • McNair
  • S. Meeks
  • Milligan
  • Payton
  • Penzo
  • Pilkington
  • Ray
  • Richmond
  • Rye
  • Slape
  • B. Smith
  • S. Smith
  • Speaks
  • Tollett
  • Tosh
  • Underwood
  • Vaught
  • Wardlaw
  • Warren
  • Watson
  • Wing
  • Womack
  • Wooten

Voted AGAINST H.B. 1572

  • F. Allen
  • Clowney
  • A. Collins
  • Ennett
  • D. Ferguson
  • D. Garner
  • Godfrey
  • M. Hodges
  • Hudson
  • Love
  • Magie
  • McCullough
  • Richardson
  • Scott
  • D. Whitaker

Did Not Vote

  • K. Ferguson
  • Fielding
  • V. Flowers
  • Miller
  • Murdock
  • Nicks
  • Perry
  • Shepherd
  • Springer

House Passes Bill Addressing RU-486 Abortion Drugs in Arkansas

On Tuesday the Arkansas House of Representatives passed H.B. 1402.

This good bill by Rep. Sonia Barker (R – Smackover) and Sen. Blake Johnson (R – Corning) updates Arkansas’ restrictions on abortion-inducing drugs like RU-486.

The bill outlines requirements that abortionists must follow in administering abortion-inducing drugs, and it prohibits abortion drugs from being delivered by mail in Arkansas.

It also updates current law to ensure doctors who perform chemical abortions are credentialed to handle abortion complications and can transfer the woman to a hospital if she experiences complications.

Pro-lifers at the national level expect the Biden/Harris Administration to take steps to ease government restrictions on abortion-inducing drugs like RU-486. This bill will help ensure that abortion drugs don’t become more prevalent in Arkansas — even if the federal government deregulates them.

This is a good bill that will protect unborn children from being killed in chemical abortions. It now goes to the Arkansas Senate.

Below is a breakdown of the Arkansas House of Representatives vote on H.B. 1402.

The Following Representatives Voted FOR H.B. 1402

  • Barker
  • Beatty Jr.
  • Beck
  • Bentley
  • S. Berry
  • M. Berry
  • Boyd
  • Bragg
  • Breaux
  • Brooks
  • Brown
  • Bryant
  • Carr
  • Cavenaugh
  • Christiansen
  • Cloud
  • Coleman
  • C. Cooper
  • Cozart
  • Crawford
  • Dalby
  • M. Davis
  • Deffenbaugh
  • Dotson
  • Eaves
  • Eubanks
  • Evans
  • C. Fite
  • L. Fite
  • V. Flowers
  • Fortner
  • Furman
  • Gonzales
  • M. Gray
  • Haak
  • Hawks
  • Hillman
  • Holcomb
  • Hollowell
  • Jean
  • Jett
  • L. Johnson
  • Ladyman
  • Lowery
  • Lundstrum
  • Lynch
  • Maddox
  • J. Mayberry
  • McClure
  • McCollum
  • M. McElroy
  • McGrew
  • McKenzie
  • McNair
  • S. Meeks
  • Miller
  • Milligan
  • Payton
  • Penzo
  • Pilkington
  • Ray
  • Richmond
  • Rye
  • Slape
  • B. Smith
  • S. Smith
  • Speaks
  • Tollett
  • Tosh
  • Underwood
  • Vaught
  • Wardlaw
  • Warren
  • Watson
  • Wing
  • Womack
  • Wooten

The Following Representatives Voted AGAINST H.B. 1402

  • Clowney
  • Ennett
  • D. Ferguson
  • D. Garner
  • Godfrey
  • Hudson
  • Love
  • McCullough
  • Richardson
  • Scott
  • Springer
  • D. Whitaker

The Following Representatives Voted “Present” on H.B. 1402

  • A. Collins
  • Nicks

The Following Representatives Did Not Vote

  • F. Allen
  • K. Ferguson
  • Fielding
  • Gazaway
  • M. Hodges
  • Magie
  • Murdock
  • Perry
  • Shepherd

40 Days for Life Saves Two Unborn Babies in Little Rock

Two mothers have chosen not to have abortions since 40 Days for Life began its spring prayer vigil in Little Rock.

40 Days for Life writes,

Great news! We’ve had two moms choose life for their babies so far! . . . .

One of the moms from this past Fall who chose life for her baby is due later this Spring. We are planning a baby shower for her. She’s having a girl. As soon as a date and time are put together, we will send that info to all.

40 Days for Life is not a rally or protest. It’s a peaceful assembly for prayer and reflection — and it works.

Every year we hear stories from other states of abortion clinics shut down and abortion workers coming to Christ in the wake of a 40 Days for Life prayer campaign. We want Arkansas to be next.

In the past, 40 Days for Life has said that the “no-show” rate for abortion appointments can go to as high as 75% when someone prays in front of an abortion facility.

Something as simple as praying outside an abortion facility can make a huge difference.