Planned Parenthood, ACLU Opposing Conscience Protections, Pro-Life Legislation in Arkansas

Planned Parenthood and the ACLU are actively opposing two good pieces of legislation in Arkansas:

S.B. 289 by Sen. Kim Hammer (R – Benton) protecting healthcare professionals’ rights of conscience and S.B. 6 by Sen. Jason Rapert (R – Conway) prohibiting abortion except when the mother’s life is at risk.

Here is a little of what Planned Parenthood and the ACLU are telling people:

Here’s what S.B. 289 actually does:

S.B. 289 helps protect healthcare professionals’ rights of conscience.

Current law gives healthcare workers narrow protections for their rights of conscience.

S.B. 289 broadens these conscience protections for healthcare workers and ensures that healthcare professionals have equal conscience protections.

Arkansas’ healthcare payers currently have no specific conscience protections, and Arkansas law does not address discrimination or retaliation against medical professionals or companies who have conscientious objections to certain procedures. Current law also does not provide specific legal remedies for victims of discrimination or retaliation.

S.B. 289 simply helps address these problems.

Here’s what S.B. 6 actually does:

S.B. 6 prohibits abortion except in cases of medical emergency when the woman’s life is at risk.

The bill is similar to Arkansas’ abortion statutes prior to Roe v. Wade.

S.B. 6’s exception allowing abortion when the woman’s life is at risk tracks with Amendment 68 to the Arkansas Constitution, which says it is the policy of the State of Arkansas to protect the lives of unborn children and contains exceptions for abortions performed to save the life of the woman.

Passing S.B. 6 would give the courts an opportunity to reverse decades of pro-abortion decisions.

If enforced, S.B. 6 would save the lives of thousands of unborn children in Arkansas every year.

These are two really good bills that Planned Parenthood and the ACLU appear to be trying to stop in Arkansas.

Photo via Life Site News.

43rd Annual March for Life Rescheduled for March 14

The 43rd annual March for Life in Little Rock will take place Sunday, March 14, at 2:00 PM at West Capitol and Wolfe streets.

The march is a peaceful and prayerful event that attracts thousands of Arkansans from across the state including churches and families to remember the estimated 60+ million unborn children who have been killed by legal abortion.

This event, sponsored by Arkansas Right to Life, will remember the 48th anniversary of the Roe v. Wade Supreme Court decision that legalized abortion in the United States on January 22, 1973.

Staging begins at 1:30 p.m. between Battery and Wolfe Streets on West Capitol Avenue behind the Arkansas State Capitol. At 2:00 p.m. President Andy Mayberry will lead the marchers along with elected officials, invited dignitaries and others special guests to the steps of the State Capitol for a brief program.

For more information go to

40 Days for Life Kicks Off In Less Than a Week

The spring 40 Days for Life vigil will begin in less than a week.

40 Days for Life in Little Rock is launching the prayer campaign with a free showing of the movie Unplanned at Geyer Springs First Baptist Church in Little Rock.

The movie depicts the beginning of 40 Days for Life in Bryan, Texas and the true story of the abortion clinic next door.

This movie is not for young children due to the intense subject matter of abortion.

Father Paul Worm of Our Lady of Fatima Catholic Church and Pastor Dave Hughey of Geyer Springs First Baptist Church will be praying at this event.

Social distancing and mask wearing will be practiced.

The event is free and open to the public, but please RSVP by emailing

40 Days for Life is not a rally or protest. It’s a peaceful assembly for prayer and reflection — and it works.

Every year we hear stories from other states of abortion clinics shut down and abortion workers coming to Christ in the wake of a 40 Days for Life prayer campaign. We want Arkansas to be next.

In the past, 40 Days for Life has said that the “no-show” rate for abortion appointments can go to as high as 75% when someone prays in front of an abortion facility.

Something as simple as praying outside an abortion facility can make a huge difference.

You can find out more about participating in 40 Days for Life at