Rights of Conscience Bill Voted Down By Public Health Committee

The House Public Health Committee today refused to pass yet another pro-life bill.  HB1983 by Rep. David Meeks would have provided stronger, more modern protections for doctors and healthcare workers who refuse to perform abortions, embryonic stem cell research, and a variety of other medical procedures that may violate their conscience.

The bill failed to get the eleven votes it needed to get out of committee. Below is a breakdown of the vote. (more…)

Tim Tebow Bill Passes Senate Education Committee

Yesterday there was some movement on the Tim Tebow bill that allows home school students to try out for extracurricular activities at their local public school.

The bill passed the Senate Education Committee yesterday, and is on its way to the entire Arkansas Senate for this week.

If you would like to contact your senator about this bill, you can leave a message for him or her at (501) 682-2902.