House Committee Advances Pro-Life Bill Addressing Chemical Abortions

Rep. Sonia Barker and Family Council staff member Ken Yang present H.B. 1402 to the House Public Health Committee.

On Thursday afternoon the Arkansas House Public Health Committee passed H.B. 1402 on a voice vote.

This good bill by Rep. Sonia Barker (R – Smackover) and Sen. Blake Johnson (R – Corning) updates Arkansas’ restrictions on abortion-inducing drugs like RU-486.

It outlines requirements that abortionists must follow in administering abortion-inducing drugs, and it prohibits abortion drugs from being delivered by mail in Arkansas.

The bill also updates current law to ensure doctors who perform drug-induced abortions are credentialed to handle abortion complications and can transfer the woman to a hospital if she experiences complications.

We expect the Biden administration to take steps in the coming months to promote RU-486 abortion drugs. Legislation like H.B. 1402 will help curtail drug-induced abortion in Arkansas.

H.B. 1402 is a really good bill. It now goes to the entire Arkansas House of Representatives for consideration.

Committee Passes Bill to Separate Abortionists From Medicaid

Sen. Gary Stubblefield prepares to present H.B. 1408 in committee.

On Wednesday afternoon the Senate Public Health Committee passed H.B. 1408 by Rep. Robin Lundstrum (R – Springdale) and Sen. Gary Stubblefield (R – Branch).

This good bill helps prevent abortion providers and their affiliates in Arkansas from receiving Medicaid reimbursements from the state.

In 2015 Governor Hutchinson ordered the state to quit providing Medicaid reimbursements to Planned Parenthood clinics after a series of undercover videos showed Planned Parenthood officials discussing the sale of organs and tissue harvested from aborted babies.

Following a lengthy lawsuit, a federal panel of judges ruled in 2017 that the state has the power to cut Medicaid funds to abortion providers.

Planned Parenthood is the nation’s leading abortion provider. Nobody should have to subsidize abortion providers with their tax dollars.

H.B. 1408 helps address that in state law

The bill already has passed the Arkansas House of Representatives. It now goes to the entire Arkansas Senate for consideration. 

Arkansas Governor Signs Law Prohibiting Abortion

Gov. Hutchinson signs legislation in this file photo from 2015.

The Associated Press reports that Arkansas Governor Asa Hutchinson has signed into law S.B. 6 prohibiting abortion except to save the life of the mother.

This good law by Sen. Jason Rapert (R – Conway) and Rep. Mary Bentley (R – Perryville) passed with strong support from the Arkansas Senate and the Arkansas House of Representatives.

If enforced, it will save approximately 3,000 unborn children from abortion every year in Arkansas.

If groups like the ACLU or Planned Parenthood challenge it, S.B. 6 will give our federal courts an opportunity to overturn bad abortion rulings like Roe v. Wade.

Either way, Arkansas has the opportunity to be a true leader in the effort to end abortion in America.

Many people have been saying for almost fifty years that abortion should be illegal. The time has come for us to make it so.

Family Council is incredibly pleased at the passage of this excellent legislation. We want to thank our lawmakers for sponsoring and passing such a good bill. We want to thank Governor Hutchinson for signing it into law. Arkansas is the most pro-life state in America, and the legislation that our elected officials support reflects that fact.