Bill Filed to Improve Arkansas’ Restrictions on Abortion Drugs

On Wednesday Rep. Sonia Barker (R – Smackover) and Sen. Blake Johnson (R – Corning) filed H.B. 1402 improving Arkansas’ restrictions on drugs like RU-486 that doctors use in chemical abortions.

H.B. 1402 outlines requirements that abortionists must follow in administering abortion-inducing drugs, and it prohibits abortion drugs from being delivered by mail in Arkansas.

It also updates current law to ensure doctors who perform chemical abortions are credentialed to handle abortion complications and can transfer the woman to a hospital if she experiences complications.

Since 2015, we’ve seen a push at the federal level to make abortion-inducing drugs easier to obtain.

Under President Obama’s watch, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration changed the protocols for the RU-486 regimen. These changes made it easier for abortionists to give abortion-inducing drugs to women.

Pro-abortion activists also have taken legal action demanding that abortion drugs be available by mail rather than in-person from a doctor’s office.

H.B. 1402 will help act as a shield if the Biden Administration or the courts decide to relax these federal abortion rules any further. It also helps further clarify Arkansas’ restrictions on chemical abortions.

That has the potential to protect a lot of unborn children in Arkansas.

You can read H.B. 1402 here.

Legislation Would Help Pregnant Women Access Substance Abuse Treatment

Rep. Jimmy Gazaway is the lead sponsor of H.B. 1324 giving pregnant women priority access in seeking substance abuse treatment.

Last week Rep. Jimmy Gazaway (R – Paragould) filed H.B. 1324.

This good bill helps pregnant women access substance abuse programs in Arkansas.

Substance abuse can cause serious harm to unborn children.

Pregnant women with substance abuse problems may be tempted to seek an abortion rather than risk prosecution for drug use.

H.B. 1324 gives pregnant women priority access when seeking help with substance abuse, and it prevents substance abuse and recovery programs funded by Medicaid from turning a woman away solely because she is pregnant.

This bill helps protect women’s health. It would protect unborn children, and it would address one of the potential contributors to the demand for abortion in Arkansas.

You can read H.B. 1324 by Rep. Gazaway here.

Poll Finds Americans Overwhelmingly Oppose Publicly Funded Abortion

A recent Marist/Knights of Columbus poll shows most Americans support restrictions on abortion in the U.S.

Pollsters surveyed 1,173 adults earlier this year.

Among other things, the survey revealed:

  • More than three quarters of Americans (76%), including a majority who identify as pro-choice, want significant restrictions on abortion.
  • 77% of those polled either “oppose” or “strongly oppose” using tax dollars to support international abortion – this is up from 75% who answered similarly each of the past two years. (Democrat – 55%, Republican – 95%, Independent – 85%)
  • Only 19% of Americans either “support” or “strongly support” funding abortions outside the US, while another 4% are unsure.
  • Only 19% of Americans either “support” or “strongly support” funding abortions outside the US, while another 4% are unsure.
  • Even among those who identify themselves as “pro-choice” in the current poll, over six in 10 (64%) say they are opposed to using tax dollars to support abortion in other countries.
  • A majority of Americans (58%) oppose using taxpayer money to fund abortions within the United States. (Democrat – 31%, Republican – 83%, Independent – 65%)

The findings come as President Biden rescinds U.S. policies preventing taxpayers from funding organizations that support abortion overseas and has recently made statements opposing the Hyde Amendment that prohibits taxpayer-funded abortion at home.

The evidence is pretty clear: Americans don’t support publicly funded abortion.

According to Gallup, most believe abortion should be completely illegal or legal only in a few cases.

Eighty-two percent of Arkansans surveyed last fall said abortion ought to be completely illegal or legal only under certain circumstances.

These latest findings just go to show that slowly but surely we are winning the fight to protect innocent human life.

Read More About This Latest Poll Here.