1.5 Million Abortions Under Planned Parenthood President Richards

“As head of Planned Parenthood Federation of America, Cecile Richards presided over the grisly death by abortion of 1.5 million tiny, innocent babies from the time she took the helm at Planned Parenthood Federation of America in 2006 through 2010. She tucked an estimated $743 million in blood money into PPFA bank accounts for her efforts,” reports LifeNews.com.

FRC Security Guard Humble About His Heroism

Leo Johnson, the security guard who was shot by a gunman who entered Family Research Council’s office in Washington, DC, was visited by FRC President Tony Perkins in the hospital. Perkins praised Johnson for his heroism, but after his visit Perkins said, “When I told him his actions were heroic in protecting his colleagues, he told me that he just reacted in the way he thought anyone at FRC would have responded.” Click here to read more from The Daily Caller.