Teach Your Kids About Marriage

Over the next several days we will be highlighting special material our friends at Focus on the Family have provided for your family and your church.

Today we want to share a two-part guide Focus on the Family has released on teaching your kids about marriage.

The guide discusses:

  • Ways to model healthy marriage habits to your children;
  • How marriage benefits children;
  • How marriage benefits adults;
  • Age-appropriate conversations you can have with your children about marriage as they grow up;
  • Ways to pray with your kids and build a stronger family.

You can download these resources below or from our “Resources For Your Church and Family” page.



Teach Your Children About Marriage: Part One


Teach Your Children About Marriage: Part Two

Less Than 40% of Americans Support Same-Sex Marriage Ruling

thomas-at-odds-obergefellIf you disagree with the U.S. Supreme Court’s Obergefell ruling which, among other things, forced all 50 states to recognize same-sex marriage, you are not alone.

According to a recent poll conducted by the Associated Press in cooperation with GFK Public Affairs and Corporate Communications, only 39% of Americans approve of the court’s ruling, while 41% disapprove; 18% neither approve nor disapprove, and 2% chose not to answer.

In fact, only 30% of Americans polled said they “strongly approved” of the ruling; 35% said they “strongly disapproved.” (more…)

Two New Policy Briefs on SCOTUS Marriage Ruling

It has been nearly three weeks since the U.S. Supreme Court issued its Obergefell ruling that played loose with the U.S. Constitution and legalized same-sex marriage nationwide.

Many people are still working to unravel the ruling’s implications and they are trying to determine how best to respond to the ruling. If you are among them, we have written two policy briefs you may find helpful.

The first analyzes the ruling and some of its implications. Download it here.

The second discusses what we can do in the wake of this terrible ruling. Download it here.

If you have any questions, feel free to give us a call at our office at (501) 375-7000.