Two Babies Saved From Abortion in Little Rock

Volunteers praying outside Planned Parenthood and Little Rock Family Planning Services report that two babies recently were saved from abortion.

The first baby was on Tuesday of last week at Little Rock Family Planning Services — Arkansas’ only surgical abortion facility.

The baby’s mother left the facility and told the people praying outside that she simply couldn’t go through with the abortion.

The second was on Friday of last week when a young woman spoke with a volunteer praying at Planned Parenthood in Little Rock. The two ladies traded phone numbers. After a series of phone calls and text messages, the young woman decided to keep her baby.

Needless to say, this is really great news.

Right now volunteers are praying regularly outside Little Rock Family Planning Services and Planned Parenthood.

The prayer efforts outside Planned Parenthood are part of the semiannual 40 Days for Life campaign.

Every year we hear stories of babies saved from abortion and lives changed forever because someone was praying outside one of these abortion facilities.

You can learn more about 40 Days for Life at

Supreme Court Temporarily Allows RU-486 By Mail

The U.S. Supreme Court is temporarily letting dangerous abortion drugs like RU-486 be dispensed by mail, according to news sources.

A federal court in Maryland recently struck down an FDA rule that requires women to go in-person to get abortion pills.

The Trump Administration appealed to the U.S. Supreme Court to reinstate the FDA’s rule, but the U.S. Supreme Court has opted not to do that for now.

Arkansas law requires abortion drugs to be administered in-person. That’s one reason Arkansas Attorney General Leslie Rutledge filed a motion to intervene in the lawsuit over the FDA rule last May. If courts rule that RU-486 can be dispensed by mail, that threatens to undermine Arkansas’ good law.

Letting abortionists distribute chemical abortion drugs by mail could lead to many more abortions, which will cost unborn children their lives.

We also know abortion drugs are dangerous and can cause a number of serious health complications — even death.

In its decision, the U. S. Supreme asked the lower court that blocked the FDA rule to “promptly consider” in the next 40 days whether or not the lower court ruling should be amended or withdrawn.

That means that the issue almost certainly will be back before the U.S. Supreme Court in a matter of weeks or months.

Some have speculated that the court may be delaying a final decision until it has nine justices.