God’s Not Dead

How far would you go to defend your belief in God? That’s the question at the forefront of the March 21st release of God’s Not Dead, a movie about an embattled Christian student, Josh Wheaton (Shane Harper), who faces a failing grade from his philosophy professor, Professor Radisson (Kevin Sorbo).

If Josh is not able to present well-researched, intellectual arguments and evidence over the course of the semester establishing God’s existence, Josh’s lofty academic goals could be hindered. Endorsed by groups like American Family Association and Alliance Defending Freedom and well-respected individuals like Pastor John Hagee as well as professional athletes, authors, and many others, this is a film that should take moviegoers on a ride of conviction, leaving them to ask the same question to themselves.

Click here for more details and to watch the trailer.

Click here for a list of Arkansas movie theaters showing God’s Not Dead.

“Marriage on Trial”

Family Research Council has published a concise fact sheet illustrating the constitutionality of state marriage laws regarding same-sex marriage.

The paper highlights the fact that “no provision of the Constitution makes any reference to marriage,” and examines common arguments, including the argument that laws defining marriage as the union of one man and one woman “discriminate.”

The paper concludes that state laws defining marriage are constitutional and the issue of marriage “should be decided through the democratic process.”

Click here to read the fact sheet, “Marriage on Trial.”

Family Council Surveys Candidates for 2014

This week Family Council mailed surveys to candidates running for state and federal office. Survey results will be included in the Arkansas Voter’s Guide for the Primary Election in May and the General Election in November.

This year’s state and federal surveys cover a variety of topics important to Arkansans. Below are copies of the surveys.

Survey for Candidates for Federal Office

Below is a list of statements. Please specify whether you support, oppose, or are undecided about each statement.

  1. Abortion: The 1973 Roe v. Wade Supreme Court decision that expanded abortion.
  2. Same-Sex Marriage: The 2013 United States v. Windsor Supreme Court decision that expanded same-sex marriage.
  3. Obamacare: The 2010 Affordable Care Act, commonly known as “Obamacare.”
  4. Balanced Budget: An amendment to the U.S. Constitution requiring a balanced federal budget every year.
  5. Oil: Building the Keystone XL oil pipeline from Canada through the United States.

Survey for Candidates for State Office

Below is a list of statements. Please specify whether you support, oppose, or are undecided about each statement.

  1. Abortion: The 1973 Roe v. Wade Supreme Court decision that expanded abortion.
  2. Marijuana: The 2014 proposed ballot measure sponsored by Arkansans for Responsible Medicine to legalize medical marijuana.
  3. Education: The Common Core State Standards being implemented in Arkansas’ public schools.
  4. Guns: Allowing citizens who may legally own a handgun to visibly carry an unconcealed handgun without a permit—also known as “open carry.”
  5. Medicaid Expansion: The Arkansas Private Option law passed in 2013 to increase the number of people receiving health insurance through Medicaid by using tax dollars to buy health insurance from private insurance companies under the Affordable Care Act.