Supreme Court Marriage Decision Exemplifies Judicial Tyranny

Friday, June 26, 2015

Today the U.S. Supreme Court ruled states do not have the constitutional authority to define marriage as the union of one man and one woman.

Family Council President Jerry Cox released a statement, saying, “Today’s ruling exemplifies judicial tyranny. Voters in more than three-fifths of the country democratically passed laws and amendments defining marriage in their respective states. Today’s U.S. Supreme Court ruling sends a very clear message that five unelected justices believe they have the power to disenfranchise fifty million American voters. It’s unthinkable.”

Cox said today’s ruling deepens divisions among Americans regarding marriage. “Unfortunately, this ruling does nothing to bring Americans willingly to any consensus on marriage. The court has offered its definition of marriage through this ruling, and that’s a definition tens of millions of voters still reject. This does not unite the nation. It further divides us.”

Cox said the court’s ruling is unprecedented. “The U.S. Supreme Court has ruled time and time again that the government has the power to define and regulate marriage. When it struck part of the federal Defense of Marriage Act in 2013, the court did so on the basis that marriage is something regulated by state government—not the federal government. Today the court has essentially said that state governments cannot regulate marriage, either. If the federal government cannot define or regulate marriage, and if state governments cannot define or regulate marriage, then tell me who can.”

Cox said today’s ruling calls into question the very meaning of marriage and family in America. “The question this ruling raises is ‘What is a marriage, and what is a family?’ If marriage can be between two men, why can’t it be between three or five? What is the logical argument for limiting it to just two people? We’re eliminating the very definition of marriage, and in so doing we are redefining the family as well.”

Cox said Family Council will work with attorneys and lawmakers to protect people of faith from discrimination as a result of today’s ruling. “Now that this ruling has been handed down, I believe a tidal wave of litigation is bound to unfold as gay activists try to force people of faith to violate their deeply-held religious convictions by aiding and participating in same-sex ceremonies in Arkansas and all across the country. We plan to work with our friends to ensure the freedoms of speech and religion are not squelched. One thing is for sure: This situation is far from over.”


Group Pushing to Undo Term Limits Extension in Arkansas

You may have seen recent news about a group in Arkansas working to repeal the term limits extension measure voters passed last November.

In a nutshell, the proposal would limit lawmakers to no more than three two-year terms in the Arkansas House of Representatives and two four-year terms in the Arkansas Senate, with no lawmaker permitted to serve more than ten years total.

We wrote about the new term limits amendment last November, after it was passed into law. To summarize, under the new term limits system, lawmakers may serve up to 16 years in the Arkansas General Assembly (House and Senate).

If the lawmaker’s sixteenth year in office happens to fall in the middle of his or her term, the lawmaker is allowed to finish the term; this means many lawmakers may actually serve up to 18 years in office.

Additionally, the new term limits system includes special exemptions for time in office as the result of a special election or an assignment resulting from redistricting. It’s a little complicated, but suffice it to say because of these exemptions, a state legislator could serve as many as 20 – 22 years in office under the right circumstances.

To be fair, most lawmakers will probably only serve 16 years in the legislature; but many will serve 18 years, and a few will get 20 – 22 years in office.

You can read more about Arkansas’ current term limits system here.

You can read more about the proposed changes to the term limits system here and here.

Christians Are To Promote That Which Is Good, Not Evil

A_Cross_of_Candle_LightThe following is a guest post by Luke McCoy.

Many LGBT advocates often misunderstand people of faith who oppose homosexuality and same-sex marriage. Many of those advocates invoke verses like Matthew 7:1, “Judge not, that ye be not judged,” (KJV) or Matthew 22:39, “Love thy neighbor as thyself,” (KJV). They sometimes accuse people of faith of being hypocritical, judgmental, or lacking compassion.

However, Scripture tells Christians to do many things, one of which is to cling to what is good and abhor evil. Is it possible to “love thy neighbor as thyself,” not be judgmental, and still be against sinful activity? I believe so.
