Capitol Grounds Commission Recommends Space for Arkansas’ Monument to the Unborn

On Tuesday the Arkansas Capitol Arts and Grounds Commission agreed to recommend a location on the state capitol grounds for a monument honoring the unborn.

Act 310 of 2023 by Sen. Kim Hammer (R – Benton) and Rep. Mary Bentley (R – Perryville) authorizes a privately funded pro-life monument on the Arkansas Capitol Grounds. The Arts and Grounds Commission, which is responsible for the property around the capitol building, has debated where the monument ought to be located. Tuesday’s decision brings the monument another step closer to completion.

The monument will commemorate the 236,243 unborn children whose lives were lost to abortion from 1973 – 2022.

Now that Roe v. Wade has been overturned, and abortion is prohibited in Arkansas except to save the life of the mother, it’s important to remember the dignity and humanity of all unborn children.

Act 310 does that by establishing this monument as “a constant reminder of our duty to protect the life of every innocent human person, no matter how young or old, or how helpless and vulnerable that person may be.”

This monument to the unborn is more than just a structure. It is a powerful testament to Arkansas’ resolve to honor and protect innocent human life at all stages of development, from conception until natural death.

Arkansas Right to Life was the lead pro-life proponent of Act 310. Family Council was proud to support their efforts.

While Arkansas is making progress to build a monument to the unborn, an effort is also underway to write abortion into the state constitution.

Arkansans for Limited Government has until July 5 to collect 90,704 valid signatures from registered voters to place the Arkansas Abortion Amendment on the November ballot. According to public records, the group currently employs more than 100 paid petition canvassers gathering signatures for the ballot measure.

If passed, the Arkansas Abortion Amendment would write abortion into the state constitution, allowing thousands of elective abortions in Arkansas every year.

The amendment does not contain any medical licensing or health and safety standards for abortion.

The measure prevents the Arkansas Legislature from restricting abortion during the first five months of pregnancy, and it automatically nullifies all state laws that conflict with the amendment. That jeopardizes even the most basic health and safety restrictions on abortion.

The amendment’s health exceptions would permit abortion through all nine months of pregnancy in many cases.

It also would pave the way for publicly funded abortion in Arkansas by changing Amendment 68 to the Arkansas Constitution that currently prohibits taxpayer funded abortion in the state.

To date, multiple organizations have come out against the amendment, including:

  • Arkansas Right to Life
  • Family Council Action Committee
  • Choose Life Arkansas
  • NWA Coalition for Life
  • The Arkansas Committee For Ethics Policy
  • The Catholic Diocese of Little Rock
  • Saline Decline to Sign
  • Stronger Arkansas
  • Stop Abortion On Demand
  • Students for Life of America

You can download a copy of the Arkansas Abortion Amendment here.

Articles appearing on this website are written with the aid of Family Council’s researchers and writers.

Planned Parenthood Criticizes Arkansas Legislature for Providing $2M to Support Pregnancy Centers, Maternal Wellness

On Tuesday the organization Planned Parenthood Great Plains Votes issued a statement on X (formerly Twitter) criticizing the Arkansas Legislature for providing $2 million to support pregnancy help organizations and maternal and infant wellness in Arkansas.

In April the Arkansas Legislature passed — and Gov. Sanders signed — S.B. 64 by Sen. John Payton (R – Wilburn). This good budget measure provides $2 million in state grant funding for pregnancy help organizations.

The $2 million will be disbursed as grants to pregnancy resource centers, maternity homes, adoption agencies, and other organizations that provide material support to women with unplanned pregnancies.

This funding helps serve families at the local level without creating new government programs. The State of Arkansas is expected to start accepting grant applications from pregnancy help organizations in the coming months.

In 2022 and in 2023 Family Council worked with lawmakers and the governor to create this grant program for pregnancy help organizations. Since then more than two dozen good organizations across the state have applied for funding and used it to give women and families real assistance when faced with an unplanned pregnancy.

S.B. 64 makes improvements to the grant program. It increases state funding from $1 million per year to $2 million. This puts Arkansas’ funding on parr with funding in other states.

The law also clarifies that “pregnancy help organizations” include nonprofit organizations that promote infant and maternal wellness and reduce infant and maternal mortality by:

  • Providing nutritional information and/or nutritional counseling;
  • Providing prenatal vitamins;
  • Providing a list of prenatal medical care options;
  • Providing social, emotional, and/or material support; or
  • Providing referrals for WIC and community-based nutritional services, including but not limited to food banks, food pantries, and food distribution centers.

S.B. 64 also includes language preventing state funds from going to abortionists and their affiliates.

However, Planned Parenthood criticized the funding measure, posting,

There simply shouldn’t be anything controversial about the State of Arkansas awarding taxpayer funds to organizations that provide material support to women and children and that promote maternal wellness.

Fortunately, Arkansas’ lawmakers and governor don’t agree with Planned Parenthood.

Family Council is grateful to the General Assembly for passing S.B. 64, and we appreciate Governor Sanders signing it into law. We look forward to seeing the state implement S.B. 64 in the coming fiscal year.

Articles appearing on this website are written with the aid of Family Council’s researchers and writers.

Commission Debates Placement of Arkansas’ Monument to the Unborn

According to the Arkansas Advocate, on Tuesday the Arkansas Capitol Arts and Grounds Commission tabled a vote on where to construct the state’s monument to the unborn.

The commission reportedly will discuss the monument’s placement further at its meeting next month.

Act 310 of 2023 by Sen. Kim Hammer (R – Benton) and Rep. Mary Bentley (R – Perryville) authorizes a privately funded pro-life monument on the Arkansas Capitol Grounds.

The monument will commemorate the 236,243 unborn children whose lives were lost to abortion from 1973 – 2022.

Now that Roe v. Wade has been overturned, and abortion is prohibited in Arkansas except to save the life of the mother, it’s important to remember the dignity and humanity of all unborn children.

Act 310 does that by establishing this monument as “a constant reminder of our duty to protect the life of every innocent human person, no matter how young or old, or how helpless and vulnerable that person may be.”

Arkansas Right to Life was the lead pro-life proponent of this good law. Family Council was proud to support their efforts.

Articles appearing on this website are written with the aid of Family Council’s researchers and writers.