Eric Metaxas on “Producing” Children from Skin Cells


Nearly a year ago scientists in Japan developed a process by which mice offspring were “produced” in a lab using little more than skin cells obtained from the mice.

The discovery has many wondering if it is possible for scientists to “produce” biological children for human beings by a similar process, but it also carries troubling implications for bioethics.

Eric Metaxas comments on the ethical questions this discovery raises,

“Well, I think C. S. Lewis would have responded with another question: ‘Is there anything that should be forbidden?’ That’s precisely the challenge he issued in his famous essay, ‘The Abolition of Man,’ and to which academics of his day had no answer….As part of mankind’s conquest of nature, Lewis argued, we’ve conquered our own belief in moral absolutes. After all, the materialist would say, such beliefs are also part of nature. They’ve evolved to help us survive. But now that they’ve outlived their usefulness, we’re free to rise above them. The problem, as Lewis pointed out, is that we have no higher level to which we can rise. When we give up saying, ‘I ought,’ the only thing we can still say is, ‘I want.'”

You can read a full transcript of Metaxas’ comments at BreakPoint.

Scientists Reportedly Engage in Clone-and-Kill Research

Oregon-based researchers claim to have cloned human embryos for the purpose of killing them to obtain their embryonic stem cells.

Oregon Health & Science University  scientists published a paper in the online journal Cell reporting the use of cloning techniques to produce human embryos. Twenty-one of these embryos were developed until stem cells were present, after which the human embryos were killed and the stem cells harvested.

These human embryos were tiny, unborn children killed in the name of medical research. Embryonic stem cells have yet to produce any of their promised medical breakthroughs, while adult stem cells–obtained without any loss of life–have led to major medical advancements and do not involve this type of clone-and-kill research.