Chase Bank Surveys Employees’ Loyalty to LGBT

From the American Family Association:

Each year JP Morgan Chase sends its employees a survey asking questions related to management and other non-controversial issues. This year, the survey included very personal questions for the first time. See OneNewsNow story here.

Questions asked were: Are you a member of the LGBT community? Are you an ally of the LGBT community, but not personally identifying as LGBT?


What are the Priorities of the U.S. Ambassador to Israel?

10275416_684279058276165_7270504065498211710_oIsrael is one of America’s most significant allies in the world. Although the country itself is small, its presence and importance are immeasurable.

The United States has enjoyed a unique relationship with Israel since the country formed in the aftermath of World War II and the Holocaust. And while Israel is by no means perfect, there’s no question with all the “wars and rumors of war” throughout the Middle East at the moment, now is the time to shore up our relationship with friends in the region and focus on protecting our interests and the interests of our allies.

Surely that would be the focus of the U.S. Ambassador to State of Israel, right? But you might not know it looking at the ambassador’s official Facebook page.


Gay Activists Employ Conflicting Arguments

This week on BreakPoint, John Stonestreet with the Chuck Colson Center for Christian Worldview points out how gay activists are using conflicting arguments when it comes to “LGBT” issues.

Stonestreet writes,

“We’re all familiar with the argument by now: homosexual attraction is an innate characteristic—maybe genetic. Therefore, denying same-sex attracted individuals the ‘right’ to get married is the same as racism.

“But an alternate narrative has appeared on the horizon, and by ‘horizon,’ I mean the cover of a recent TIME Magazine issue, where it’s used to promote the ‘T’ in the acronym ‘LGBT.’ The ‘T,’ of course, stands for ‘transgender,’—those who say their biological sex and their perceived gender don’t match. The mantra here goes, ‘I was born this way, but I want to change. In fact, I have a right to change.’

“So we’re told that the biology of the ‘L,’ the ‘G,’ and the ‘B’ can’t change. But when it comes to ‘T,’ the biology doesn’t matter.

“Confused? Well, you’re not alone.”

Stonestreet goes on to cite how the “I was born this way” argument for homosexuality has given way to arguments based entirely on personal feelings and preferences.

This is significant. You cannot in one breath say a person’s biology controls their feelings (as many homosexuals do) and in the next breath say a person’s feelings trump biology. The two arguments contradict each other.

Complicating this debate further is the fact that science still has not concluded that sexual orientation is genetic, and leading psychology experts have gone on record saying they have seen people successfully change their sexual orientation.

Before we try to build our lives or our public policy on our feelings, let’s consider the words of the prophet Jeremiah:

“The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked: who can know it?”

Jeremiah 17:9

Listen to Stonestreet’s full commentary below.

[audio:|titles=John Stonestreet – Feelings, Nothing More Than Feelings]