Seven Things You Can Do About Judge Piazza’s Terrible Ruling

Last Friday Pulaski County Circuit Judge Chris Piazza overturned Amendment 83 to the Arkansas Constitution, which defined marriage in Arkansas as the union of one man to one woman. Something is terribly wrong when a judge can overturn a good law passed by 75% of the people.

Many of you have called our office today, asking us what you can do about this ruling. We have put together a list of seven easy things you and your family can do. Check it out below.

  1. Ask God to fight for us. Pray that the Arkansas Supreme Court will overturn this ruling and uphold traditional marriage.
  2. Do not be discouraged. This fight is far from over. The case will be appealed to the Arkansas Supreme Court, and ultimately may go all the way to the U.S. Supreme Court. We still have major battles ahead of us we can win.
  3. Make your voice heard to your elected officials. Call your County Clerk, and ask him or her not to issue same-sex marriage licenses while this case is on appeal. Check the phone book or call the county courthouse to get their phone number.
  4. Make your voice heard in your community. Write a letter to your local newspaper editor expressing your support for traditional marriage.
  5. Make your voice heard to your friends. Say something to your circle of friends; if you are active on social media, use it to express your view of Judge Piazza’s ruling and your support for real marriage.
  6. Encourage your pastor to speak up. Encourage your pastor and other church leaders to use this as an opportunity to address your church about God’s view of marriage.
  7. Empower yourself with knowledge and understanding. Do your own research into what makes marriage and family cornerstones of our society. Keep up with developing news stories about this issue, and stay tuned to Family Council for more important details in the days to come.

Family Council Says Ruling Terribly Wrong

In case you missed it: Below is our press release from Friday regarding Pulaski County Circuit Judge Chris Piazza’s ruling striking the Arkansas Marriage Amendment from the Arkansas Constitution.

Little Rock – On Friday, Pulaski County Circuit Judge Chris Piazza released his decision striking down Arkansas Constitutional Amendment 83 which defines marriage as the union of one man and one woman.

Family Council President Jerry Cox said, “Something is terribly wrong when a judge can overturn a good law that was passed in a statewide election by 75% of the people. This is another example of a judge substituting his personal preference for the will of the people.”

Amendment 83 passed with 75% of the vote in November 2004 after the Arkansas Marriage Amendment Committee gathered over 200,000 petition signatures to place the measure on the ballot for a statewide vote.
