Pro-Lifers Form Official Campaigns to Defeat Arkansas Abortion Amendment

Pro-life organizations are organizing campaigns to defeat an abortion proposal in Arkansas.

The Arkansas Abortion Amendment would legalize abortion by writing it into the Arkansas Constitution.

The measure prevents the Arkansas Legislature from restricting abortion during the first five months of pregnancy — which would potentially allow thousands of elective abortions in Arkansas every year.

It also contains sweeping health exceptions for abortion throughout all nine months, and it nullifies all state laws that conflict with the amendment — putting basic restrictions like parental consent and informed consent laws in jeopardy.

Pro-life organizations in the state are pushing back and launching campaigns against the amendment.

The Arkansas Ethics Commission website indicates the group Arkansans for Common Sense filed a Statement of Organization on Friday, announcing it “will advocate the disqualification and defeat of the Arkansas Abortion Amendment of 2024.” The group’s members include pro-life leaders from Arkansas.

Last week the group NWA Coalition for Life also filed a Statement of Organization announcing it will advocate the defeat of the abortion amendment. The group includes pro-life leaders from the Northwest Arkansas area.

As we have written before, Arkansas Right to Life has announced a Decline to Sign campaign encouraging voters not to sign petitions for the amendment.

Ozark Right to Life, a local chapter of Arkansas Right to Life, is working against the measure as well, and pro-lifers have begun sharing information about the abortion amendment on social media.

You can download a copy of the abortion amendment here.

Articles appearing on this website are written with the aid of Family Council’s researchers and writers.

Pro-Life Groups Push Back as Abortion Supporters Work to Raise $15K, Collect 90K Signatures for Amendment

A recent article appearing on the Arkansas Times website highlights how supporters of the proposed Arkansas Abortion Amendment are working to raise $15,000 and collect 90,704 petition signatures to place the measure on the November ballot.

The Arkansas Abortion Amendment would legalize abortion in a way Arkansas has never seen before.

If passed, the amendment would write abortion into the Arkansas Constitution, allowing as many as 3,000 or more elective abortions on mothers carrying healthy, unborn babies every year.

The measure prevents the Arkansas Legislature from restricting abortion during the first five months of pregnancy, and it contains sweeping health exceptions for abortion throughout all nine months.

It also nullifies all state laws that conflict with the amendment — putting basic restrictions like parental consent and informed consent laws in jeopardy.

According to the article, the group backing the abortion amendment is preparing to train over 300 volunteers to collect petition signatures across the state.

But pro-life organizations in Arkansas are mobilizing to oppose the abortion amendment.

Arkansas Right to Life has announced a Decline to Sign campaign encouraging Arkansans not to sign petitions for the amendment.

Alisha See, Co-Lead Pastor of Reach Church in Centerton recently released a video urging people not to sign the abortion petition as well.

Family Council staff member Erin Hogan recently interviewed Allie Paris from Counteract USA in Northwest Arkansas about the pro-life effort in her part of the state. You can watch their conversation below.

Family Council also offers special email and text alerts about the abortion amendment. You can sign up for free here.

You can download a copy of the abortion amendment here.

Articles appearing on this website are written with the aid of Family Council’s researchers and writers.