Does Arkansas Have the Strongest Pro-Life Law in America?

2015marchforlife_banner2Earlier this year the Arkansas Legislature passed The Woman’s Right to Know Act, Act 1086 of 2015.

The law amends Arkansas’ rules for informed-consent prior to an abortion. It replaces the Woman’s Right to Know Act of 2001; under the 2001 law, women had to be provided with information about abortion prior to the procedure, but the information did not necessarily have to be given in person or in a private, one-on-one setting with the woman. The 2001 law also did not include vital information–such as information on new, cutting-edge science on chemical abortion reversal.

The new law helps ensure a woman seeking an abortion will be given details on abortion, its risks, and its alternatives in a private setting, where she can ask questions and get answers.

It also requires the doctor to wait 48 hours before performing the abortion–giving the woman time to consider all the information and explore all her options.

After speaking with experts on pro-life laws, it appears Arkansas’ informed-consent law may be the strongest in the nation.


Official in Ninth Undercover Video: Abortion is “Where We Get Our Tissue”

In a ninth undercover video released by the Center for Medical Progress, an official with a company that performs research on aborted babies states plainly, “they’re trying to make abortion illegal, and that’s where we get our tissue.”

The video comes as light continues to be shed on stem cell research that uses aborted fetal remains and the process by which Planned Parenthood and other abortion providers “donate” aborted babies to researchers in exchange for money–something CMP and other pro-life groups are decrying plainly “as selling baby parts.”

You can watch the ninth video below. Warning: The content is disturbing.