Group: Planned Parenthood Didn’t Call 911 to Report Botched Abortion

A national pro-life group is claiming that a Planned Parenthood clinic in Chicago didn’t call 911 to report a botched abortion that killed a woman. Click here to read the full report from The Blaze.

We pray that if it’s  true that this clinic was medically negligent, that justice will prevail. This is a horrific reminder that abortion is not safe. Our thoughts and prayers go out to this woman’s family and friends.

Komen President Resigns

“Searches were under way to find a president, chief executive and chief operating officer, a post that has been vacant since late 2009, said Nancy G. Brinker, who is the founder and current CEO of the nation’s largest breast-cancer charity. She said she would assume a new role after top leadership positions were filled. The departure of President Elizabeth Thompson will take effect Sept. 7,” reports

Planned Parenthood Must Be Held Accountable

Planned Parenthood is under investigation for the second time this year. First, there was the congressional investigation and Susan G. Komen grant controversy.

Now, only six months later, Planned Parenthood is being sued for alleged misuse of funds. This time the funds are from Medicaid, which is paid for with tax dollars. A former employee of Planned Parenthood, Susan Thayer, has “blown the whistle.” She claims that during her employment with Planned Parenthood they received and retained nearly $28,000,000 in false claims with Medicaid. This is proof that Planned Parenthood is not concerned with women’s health, but instead only with money.
