Family Council Celebrates Reversal of Roe v. Wade

Friday, June 24, 2022

LITTLE ROCK, Ark. — On Friday the U.S. Supreme Court released its Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health decision reversing the 1973 Roe v. Wade Supreme Court abortion ruling.

Family Council President Jerry Cox released a statement, saying, “This is historic. There are people who have dedicated their entire lives to reversing Roe v. Wade. It’s incredible to see that happen. Today’s Supreme Court decision recognizes that Roe v. Wade was wrong from the very beginning. As long as this ruling stands and our pro-life laws are enforced, thousands of unborn babies will be saved from abortion in Arkansas and elsewhere every year. That’s a reason to celebrate.”

Cox called the decision a victory for democracy. “This isn’t just a pro-life victory. It’s a victory for democracy. Roe v. Wade put unelected judges in charge of America’s abortion policy, and it has tainted the judicial confirmation process for more than forty years. Today’s decision doesn’t end abortion altogether. It lets voters and their representatives set their own abortion laws. Going forward, voters, state legislatures, and Congress will get to decide what abortion laws they want to enact.”

Cox said that Arkansas’ lawmakers and pro-life advocates have worked to prepare the state for such a time as this. “We are all blessed to live in Arkansas, the most pro-life state in the nation. Arkansans are pro-life, and our laws reflect that. With today’s decision, there will be no safer place for women and their unborn children than in Arkansas. Our good, pro-life laws that are already on the books will be enforceable. Under those laws, women will be protected from the harm that abortion causes them, and unborn children will get to live and grow up.”

Cox outlined a few of Arkansas’ laws that will prohibit abortion. “Amendment 68 to the Arkansas Constitution says that Arkansas will protect the life of every unborn child as much as the federal constitution allows. The Arkansas Legislature passed a law in 2019 that makes abortion illegal, except to save the mother’s life, if Roe v. Wade is reversed. The Arkansas Legislature also passed a law in 2021 prohibiting abortion except to save the mother’s life. That law is tied up in federal court right now, but it could be enforced now that the court has reversed Roe v. Wade. The Arkansas Legislature also voted this year to provide one million dollars in funding for pregnancy resource centers in Arkansas. There are more than forty of these centers across the state working to give women real options besides abortion.”

Cox said he does not believe abortionists in Arkansas will give up even though Roe v. Wade has been overturned. “I expect groups like Planned Parenthood, the ACLU, and those who profit financially from abortion will work to keep abortion legal in places like California, and they will work to make abortion legal in places like Arkansas. I’m sure we will see new legal battles over abortion in the coming months. We are confident that Attorney General Leslie Rutledge and her staff will fight to see Arkansas’ pro-life laws enforced. The Arkansas Legislature may be the most pro-life legislature in the nation. We are confident Arkansas’ lawmakers will pass any additional laws necessary to prevent abortion in Arkansas. Overturning Roe v. Wade is a huge victory, but there is still work to do.”

Family Council is a conservative education and research organization based in Little Rock with a mission of promoting, protecting, and strengthening traditional family values.


What Happens In Arkansas After Roe?

With the recent leak of a draft opinion from the U.S. Supreme Court, many people now expect the court to overturn the 1973 Roe v. Wade abortion decision.

What happens in Arkansas after Roe v. Wade is reversed?

Below are a few points to consider.

The End of Roe Is Not The End of The Pro-Life Movement

Before 1973, states were able to set their own abortion laws. Roe v. Wade struck down those laws nationwide.

Overturning Roe doesn’t mean that abortion automatically will be illegal in America. It means voters, state lawmakers, and congress will once again be able to enact their own abortion laws.

Places like California would be able to keep abortion legal while other states would be free to restrict or prohibit it.

In states like Arkansas, groups who profit financially from abortion may work to make abortion legal.

Overturning Roe v. Wade would be a huge victory, but there may still be work to do.

Abortion in Arkansas Generally Will Be Prohibited Unless The Mother’s Life Is At Risk

In 2019 the Arkansas Legislature overwhelmingly passed Act 180, and Governor Hutchinson signed it into law.

Act 180 prohibits abortion in Arkansas if the U.S. Supreme Court overturns Roe v. Wade.

It contains exceptions for abortions performed to save the life of the mother.

The Arkansas Attorney General’s Office has indicated that the State of Arkansas would enforce Act 180 if the U.S. Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade.

Pro-Lifers Will Need to Step Up to Help Mothers With Unplanned Pregnancies

Even though abortion in Arkansas is near a 45-year low, approximately 3,000 unborn babies are aborted every year.

If Roe v. Wade is overturned and abortion is generally prohibited in Arkansas, pro-lifers will need to step up to help women with unplanned pregnancies.

Arkansas is home to more than 40 pregnancy resource centers.

These organizations provide everything from diapers and baby formula to pregnancy testing, ultrasounds, and information about adoption — often free of charge.

Many states — including Arkansas — have appropriated public funds for organizations like these.

Most abortions in Arkansas are performed on single mothers. Churches, charities, and pro-life organizations will need to help these families.

We Will Need to Educate and Equip Arkansans

Public opinion polling from the University of Arkansas shows 79% of likely voters in Arkansas believe abortion should be either completely illegal or restricted to certain circumstances.

Reversing Roe v. Wade means voters and elected officials will decide what kinds of pro-life policies their states will enact.

After Roe, it will be as important as ever that voters know where their elected officials stand on abortion and the sanctity of human life.

Arkansas Attorney General Calls on DOJ to Address Pro-Abortion Domestic Terrorism

Above: The aftermath of a firebombing at CompassCare pregnancy resource center in Buffalo, NY. The pro-abortion domestic terror group Jane’s Revenge later took credit for the attack. Jane’s Revenge has called for an “open season” on pro-life organizations.

On Tuesday Arkansas Attorney General Leslie Rutledge joined 18 other state attorneys general in a letter calling for U.S. Attorney General Merrick Garland to stop the escalating pro-abortion violence against pro-life organizations and churches.

U.S. Sen. Tom Cotton and all four of Arkansas’ congressmen recently issued similar calls for action as well. Earlier this month the U.S. Department of Homeland Security released a National Terrorism Advisory System Bulletin warning of possible violence in response to the U.S. Supreme Court’s decision in the Dobbs case.

The letter authored by the Attorney General of Ohio reads,

Dear Attorney General Garland:

I am writing about the recent spate of terroristic threats and acts directed at pro-life organizations around the country.

Many millions of Americans oppose abortion. Some join organizations that advocate for legal change aimed at ending abortion. Others form crisis-pregnancy centers—pro-life groups that provide resources and community to women who become unexpectedly pregnant. Either way, these Americans hope to persuade their fellow citizens to oppose a practice that terminates a life, and to support women and expectant mothers. That is their First Amendment right.

“Since the leak of the draft opinion” overruling Roe v. Wade, “charities that support pregnant mothers in need have been firebombed, and pro-life organizations have been attacked almost daily and terrorized.” One report, from June 13, documented attacks involving arson, vandalism, or both against at least 13 pro-life centers across the country. Another report documents more than 20 attacks on “pregnancy resource centers and offices of pro-life groups.” And violent organizations are now publicly inciting terroristic acts. One such group—Jane’s Revenge—has claimed credit for attacks in Colorado, Massachusetts, Oregon, Texas, Washington, and Wisconsin. The same group has declared “open season” on “any anti-choice group” that continues to operate. And it has called on its members “to paint, to burn, to cut, [and] to jam” pro-life centers and advocates. “Through attacking,” it says, its members “find joy, courage, and strip the veneer of impenetrability held by these violent institutions.”

The Department of Justice must investigate and prosecute these terroristic threats and acts. It should start with Jane’s Revenge—the FBI has more than enough resources to determine the organization’s members and to track down those carrying out these acts of violence, which qualify as terrorism under federal law. And while Jane’s Revenge offers an obvious starting point, the supply of entities deserving to be investigated hardly stops there.

Inaction is intolerable in our nation of laws, and it violates your oath of office. Yet, in recent weeks, you have continued to allow illegal actions seemingly because they advance (in the minds of some) the pro-abortion cause. In particular, you have done nothing to break up picketing outside the homes of Supreme Court justices rumored to have voted to overrule Roe v. Wade—this despite the fact that a federal law plainly prohibits such conduct. And over the past year, the federal government has repeatedly sought leniency for violent criminals motivated by what this Administration perceives as progress. All the while, it has taken bizarrely aggressive positions toward its ideological opponents—for example, parents who speak out at school-board meetings. Intentional or not, budding domestic terrorists have apparently received the message: the Department of Justice is going easy on those who use violence in furtherance of favored viewpoints.

This Administration well knows the potential for a “significant increase in violent threats” in the wake of a decision overruling Roe. The American people are trusting you to keep them safe. In this country, the federal government’s duty to protect against violence does not turn on the victim’s identity; access to justice cannot turn on partisan affiliation. In America, we solve our differences with debates and ballots, not with bricks and Molotov cocktails. I urge you to thoroughly investigate these acts and to ensure that all those who threatened or carried out violence are brought to justice.

I conclude by offering assistance. My office, and the offices of my peer state attorneys general, stand ready to aid in these investigations and prosecutions. Political violence—no matter the cause, and no matter the perpetrator—must be punished, and harshly.

Below are a few examples of the recent violence against pro-life organizations in America:

  • May 7 – St. John XXIII Catholic Church in Ft. Collins, Colorado has its windows smashed and is vandalized with the message, “My Body My Choice,” plus an anarchist symbol
  • May 8 – Wisconsin Family Action in Madison, Wisconsin is firebombed and vandalized with the threat, “if abortions aren’t safe, then you aren’t either.”
  • May 8 – The Loreto House Pregnancy & Parenting Resource Center in Denton, Texas is vandalized with the messages “Forced birth is murder” and “Not a clinic.”
  • May 13 – The Alpha Pregnancy Center in Reisterstown, Maryland is vandalized with the messages “Jane’s Revenge” and “If abortions aren’t safe neither are you.”
  • May 14 – BirthRight pregnancy center in Frederick, Maryland is vandalized with the messages “Defend Roe” and “F-k Fake Clinic.”
  • May 21 – Four churches in Olympia, Washington are vandalized with messages, including “If abortions aren’t safe then neither are you,” “Abort the church,” and “God loves abortion.”
  • May 27 – Next Step Pregnancy Services has its windows smashed and is vandalized with the threat “If abortion isn’t safe, you aren’t either.”
  • May 30 – The Respect Life Office in Hollywood, Florida is vandalized with the messages “Jane’s Revenge,” “If abortions aren’t safe then niether [sic] are you,” and anarchist symbols.”
  • May 30 – The Dove Medical Pregnancy Center in Eugene, Oregon is vandalized with the messages “From Jane,” “Not a clinic,” “Abortion is healthcare,” and communist and anarchist symbols
  • June 2 – Agape Pregnancy Center in Des Moines, Iowa has its windows smashed and is vandalized with the messages “God loves abortions” and “fake clinic.”
  • June 3 – The Capitol Hill Pregnancy Center in Washington, D.C. is vandalized with eggs, red paint, and a message stating “Jane’s Revenge”
  • June 7 – Mountain Area Pregnancy Services in Asheville, North Carolina has its windows smashed and is vandalized with the messages “No forced birth” and “If abortions aren’t safe, neither are you!”
  • June 7 – CompassCare pregnancy center in Buffalo, New York is firebombed and vandalized with the message “Jane was here.”
  • June 8 – Options360 pregnancy center in Vancouver, Washington is vandalized with red paint and the message “Jane’s Revenge.”
  • June 11 – The Gresham Pregnancy Resource Center in Gresham, Oregon is firebombed.

Articles appearing on this website are written with the aid of Family Council’s researchers and writers.