‘Wrongful Birth’ Lawsuit Treats Children Like a Burden

Last week Planned Parenthood agreed to pay $2 million to the family of Tonya Reaves.

Reaves was a 24-year-old woman who died due to a botched abortion back in July of 2012. Her death is tragic, and those responsible should be held accountable–there is no question about that. However, as some have pointed out, last December a Seattle couple was awarded $50 million in a “wrongful birth” lawsuit.

The suit was filed by a Seattle couple who contended they would have aborted their son (now five years old) had they known he would be born with a genetic defect.


RNC Chair Presence at 2014 March for Life in D.C. First in Recent History

The following blog post is by Family Council staff member Luke McCoy.

It is encouraging to know that a pro-life party had its chair attend an annual March for Life this year.

Republican National Committee Chairman Reince Priebus joined hundreds of thousands of pro-life supporters at the National Mall in Washington, D.C. for the 2014 national March for Life.

Many would figure this is a forgone conclusion and find it ironic or odd for a current RNC chairman not to attend such a meaningful event. However, Chairman Priebus’ attendance marks the first time in recent history that a national party chair has attended the March for Life. It is safe to say, however, that the pro-choice party chair will not be attending any March for Life events soon, even though roughly half of Americans identify themselves as pro-life, and 58% believe abortion should be either completely illegal or legal only under a few circumstances.

We as Arkansans are encouraged by the regular appearance of GOP State Chairman Doyle Webb at our state’s annual March For Life in Little Rock.

You can read Chairman Priebus’s thoughts on the importance of the March for Life and being pro-life here.

Taxpayer Funds Used to Fund Abortions? Say It Ain’t So!

The following blog post is by Family Council staff member Luke McCoy.

Arkansas and 32 other states have successfully passed legislation prohibiting taxpayer funds from being used for certain abortions, excluding a minority of abortions from rape, incest and a mother’s ability to survive the pregnancy.

The Hyde Amendment, which is the federal provision that prohibits certain federal taxpayer funds from being used for certain abortions originated in 1976 and has been attached to federal appropriation bills throughout the years. With that said we can rest easy knowing taxpayer money is not used for abortions in those 33 states and focus on other pro-life measures, right? Don’t get comfortable yet.
